03/09/2025 - CP2C - “This is Life CHANGING!" with Pastor Tadd Mann

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03/09/2025 - “This is Life CHANGING!” - Coastal Plains Cowboy Church, Boling, Texas, U.S.A.

Matthew 6:8-13 (737), John 17 (825), Acts 2:14-21 (831), John 12:23-28 (821), Revelation 22:17 (963)

Numbers inside ( ) are the page numbers for the "Learning the Ropes" bible (NLT New Living Translation) that we use in our church. God Bless!
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Up to the first 15 minutes of our video is our bulletin pre-roll. Feel free to skip past it! Just our way to make sure y'all get the same information everyone here gets and our live stream can kick off quicker.

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