The Druids and the mysteries of the Oak.

15 days ago

In this video, we'll delve into the profound ways the Druids connected with nature, revealing their sacred rituals and practices that expressed their deep reverence for the divine energies and wisdom of the natural world. We will discover how the Druids honoured the majestic oak tree and its evergreen companion, the mistletoe, as symbols of their spiritual and energetic bond with nature.

Many are unaware that the Druids maintained a rich oral tradition, similar to numerous other ancient cultures. This tradition was the foundation of their cultural and spiritual identity. Instead of relying on written records, they transmitted their vast knowledge of allegorical mythology, genealogy, ritual practices, and natural lore through memorization and recitation across the generations. This ancient art form depended heavily on rhythm, rhyme, poetry, and prose to aid in the memorization and preservation of their sacred wisdom.

The Welsh language is replete with allegorical and metaphorical connections that make the mind hum with activity and intrigue. The Welsh term "Derwydd" or "Druid" is one such word. It is commonly thought to translate to "oak seer", "oak knower", or "the wisdom of the oak." The term "Derwydd" is thought to be derived from the Welsh words "derw" (oak) and "gwydd" meaning knowledge or seer.

However, in an alternative interpretation, the Welsh term "Derwydd" can link the great oak tree to the great ancient wisdom. The prefix "Der" relates to strength and doggedness, but also to greatness, exaltedness, and ascension. The suffix "wydd", however, relates to both trees and forest and the idea of wisdom and knowledge. This is the ancient sacred wisdom our ancestors preserved in our shared languages, legends, mythologies, and artworks - for us to know!

In this video, we delve into the intricate details of the Northern Druids and explore the fascinating connections between their ancient practices and the Welsh dialect. Discover how the language of the Welsh people can offer insights into the sacred rituals and traditions upheld by the Druids of the North.

Please stick around to the end where I have added an energetic practice to help with the "Great Awakening".

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