Aliens steal MJ's iconic moves: dance through #Thriller! #MichaelJackson #KingOfPop

3 days ago

Male alien Vrie once faced life imprisonment for donning a pink wig and dancing like K-pop teen-age girls. He did this to help rekindle his human friend's consciousness so his crew, Team Vault, could turn him into the first human hologram. His only way out of prison was to enter and win an intergalactic dance-off as a team. Vrie must substitute for a famous ballet star to win, known for her bright pink wig. Vrie and Team Vault decided to travel back 437 years to 2026 to experience K-pop in its prime and dance. Earth is well-known across the galaxy for its dance diversity and culture.
Needless to say, Team Vault's enemies follow them back in time and try to sabotage their sightseeing vacation. "Space will never be the same," after this romantic and comedic romp through the galaxy by Team Vault. Navigate the galaxy, visit intriguing planets, and join our heroes on stage in The Quantum Vault: Holographic Heroes. Doug 'Cowboy' McAllister, a recently resurrected holographic human, faces an impossible challenge: lead a ragtag Team Vault to victory in an Intergalactic Dance-Off. With the mysterious Luna by his side, the love of his life, he must overcome not just his two left feet but also deadly assassins, poison, electromagnetic 'containment' fields, political intrigue, and a powerful empire determined to keep dancing illegal. As Team Vault recruits a 'very sexy' dancer who is deadly with knives and a trainer-bot named 'Rocky' who doubles as their pedal-to-the-metal chauffeur, they uncover a sinister conspiracy threatening their very existence. When their enemies close in and team members face imprisonment if they lose, Doug must master the dance floor and opera to try and win the event. But Doug is poisoned and subject to suspicious 'containment' fields in the hospital. He makes a daring escape with the help of Luna, who enters her terrifying 'Medusa Mode,' complete with venomous and electrocuting snakes coming out of her head. Freddie, the scientist who thinks he is Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., applies a defibrillator to charge Doug up so he can go full physical mode with superhuman strength. Their star ballet dancer sprains her ankle on the day of the Dance-off. Vrie, a male alien with blue skin, dons her tutu and a pink wig to take her place and takes the stage with Doug, who used to be terrible at karaoke but will now sing opera. This science fiction comedy adventure combines romance, dance, opera, shoot-outs, and knife fights in an absurdist space opera. If you love Douglas Adams' humor, Star Wars' epic scale, and Footloose's rebellious spirit, you'll be captivated by Quick Savant's wildly entertaining and non-stop adventure.

(books, audiobooks): The Quantum Vault Trilogy
The Quantum Vault: Love and War Kindle Edition
The Quantum Vault: Ascension Kindle Edition
The Quantum Vault: Holographic Heroes Kindle Edition
Audiobooks (and eBooks on Google Play Books)
The Quantum Vault: Love and War Kindle Edition
The Quantum Vault: Ascension
The Quantum Vault: Holographic Heroes

Thriller 40 celebrates the Michael Jackson’s groundbreaking Thriller album, the biggest selling album worldwide. The documentary explores the artistic vision behind the revolutionary album and what makes it a global cultural multi-media phenomenon for both the 20th and 21st centuries. Small commission for Amazon Associates.

#MichaelJackson #Thriller #KingOfPop #Moonwalker #MJFan #MJInnocent #SmoothCrina
男性外星人 Vrie 曾因戴上粉红色假发并像 K-pop 少女一样跳舞而面临终身监禁。他这样做是为了帮助重新点燃他的人类朋友的意识,这样他的船员 Team Vault 就可以将他变成第一个人类全息图。他出狱的唯一出路是作为一个团队进入并赢得一场星际舞蹈比赛。Vrie 必须替代一位著名的芭蕾舞明星才能获胜,她以亮粉色假发而闻名。Vrie 和 Team Vault 决定回到 437 年前的 2026 年,体验 K-pop 的巅峰时期和舞蹈。地球以其舞蹈、多样性和文化而闻名于整个银河系。不用说,Team Vault 的敌人会跟随他们回到过去,并试图破坏他们的观光假期。“太空永远不会一样”,在 Team Vault 的这场浪漫而喜剧的银河系嬉戏之后。在银河系中航行,访问迷人的星球,并在 The Quantum Vault: Holographic Heroes 中与我们的英雄一起登上舞台。
Doug 'Cowboy' McAllister 是一位最近复活的全息人类,他面临着一个不可能的挑战:带领一个乌合之众的 Team Vault 在星际舞蹈比赛中取得胜利。在他一生的挚爱神秘的 Luna 的陪伴下,他不仅必须克服自己的两只左脚,还必须克服致命的刺客、毒药、电磁“收容”场、政治阴谋以及决心继续非法跳舞的强大帝国。当 Team Vault 招募一位持刀致命的“非常性感”的舞者和一位名叫“Rocky”的教练机器人兼任他们的踏板司机时,他们发现了一个威胁他们生存的险恶阴谋。当他们的敌人逼近,团队成员如果输了就会面临监禁时,Doug 必须掌握舞池和歌剧才能赢得比赛。但 Doug 中毒了,并在医院受到了可疑的“收容”区域的影响。
他在 Luna 的帮助下大胆逃脱,Luna 进入了她可怕的“美杜莎模式”,毒蛇和电蛇从她的头上冒出来。Freddie 是一位自认为是 Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. 的科学家,他使用除颤器为 Doug 充电,以便他能够以超人的力量进入完整的身体模式。他们的明星芭蕾舞演员在舞会当天扭伤了脚踝。蓝色皮肤的男性外星人 Vrie 穿上她的芭蕾舞短裙和粉红色假发,与曾经在卡拉 OK 中很糟糕但现在会唱歌剧的 Doug 一起上台。这部科幻喜剧冒险片在荒诞派太空歌剧中结合了浪漫、舞蹈、歌剧、枪战和刀战。如果您喜欢道格拉斯·亚当斯 (Douglas Adams) 的幽默、星球大战 (Star Wars) 的史诗般的规模和 Footloose 的叛逆精神,那么您会被 Quick Savant 的疯狂娱乐和不间断的冒险所吸引。

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