HARPY WOmen's International Day, Oprah Winfrey!!!!

Streamed on:

One quite significant point that I failed to remember to discuss... MOTHERS' DAY... How the sinister They/Them love to blaspheme the sacred.! We already celebrated women, PROPER, but they/them lay siege on that tradition as they burn at the idea of the Theotokos' (Virgin Mary's) chastity... oi vey!!! SMH

Snow White movie premiere CANCELED....?!?
Oi Vey.... with their product habitually being transformed into kaka FROM WITHIN, they/them have been made ripe for HOSTILE TAKEOVER by BRICS.
• Disney CANCELS Snow White Premeire! R...

Women.... They need us men to help keep them calm (secure); as we need them to help keep us grounded (responsible). +++ So then, Where is Christ in All mass media's propagated dichotomies we've all been relentlessly inundated with...????

I was going to do one anyway on Oprah Winfrey, so this is timely!!!
So not enough can be said about the implications of the popularized broken home...
What about the worship OF WOman...? To which end will that game formulate????
You shall know them by their fruits. +++
Thanks again to Daniel, tons!

I also failed to mention, that tiny characture on the top-right of my presentation, is actually a character from my comic book series from 2017, Ondra Winbragg, A leader of the Black Whole (masonic racist cult org).... I also had the UNholy Paladin (which was the masonic org behind the scenes) which featured London Yorkali which was an Israeli wearing all red, controlling anything in red telepathically.... I would still get this comic going, print or animation, but it would take serious funding so...

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Special thanks to the creative talents of CLMC music for their permission to use new music! - / @clmcmusic
Benny Hill theme song ("Chase")- • CHASE (Benny Hill Theme)/ Sound HQ / ...
And others may include:
• Debbie Downer (SNL) Sound
• WGN Channel 9 - The Nine O'Clock News...
• You Can't Do That on Television (Intr...
#CLMCmusic #christian #jesus #jesuschrist #jesuslovesyou #jesussaves #jesusislord #christianity #single #singleplayer #singlemom #brokenhome #A.i. #kamalaharris #joebiden #donaldtrump #barrackobama #thecrossandcrescentdiscussiongroup #madebyjimbob #westvirginia #jordanpeterson #jordanpetersonquotes #TheMadeByJimbobShow #christianprince #liberal #liberals #limpbizkit #nookie #ChadO.Jackson #racismingarenafreefire #blackpower #europe #european #greece #orthodox #orthodoxy #christianprince #mormon #mormonchurch #mormonbeliefs #atheist #atheism #baphomet #barrackobama #hillaryclinton #white #freemasons #freemason #freemasonry #brics #china #chinese #chinanews #chinaculture #buddhism #buddhist #hindu #hinduism #satan #satanism #stupidity #racismingarenafreefire #crt #racism

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