Are We There Yet? Israel & Judah...

5 days ago

The time is near?

We've heard it so many times. So many missed predictions by individuals.
However, we are hearing so many predictions about the return of the King from multiple sources from Christian, Messianic and Jewish faiths.
Many followers of Yeshua/Jesus believe his return could be sometime in the next few years,10 years, and some 20 years. Though, most believe we are the generation of his return.

Just as Judah repented of what was done to Joseph (Shadow of Messiah), we see that being a picture of Judah saying "blessed is he he comes in the name of the LORD". This is when the will see Him. We are seeing many from Judah turning to Yeshua as the Messiah throughout the land. The recent data shows that over 30K (8%) of Israel (Judah) have turned to Yeshua/Jesus as the Messiah and over 300 Messianic congregations have been set up, that we know of in Israel. Many are turning but still remain unspoken.

REPENT! For the Time is at Hand!

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