#OccupyTheGetty #StevenDKelley #OTG http://TruthCatRadio.com GettyPedophileMuseumCenter

5 days ago
Entertainment Abiotic Factor ...ps://www.youtube.com/live/qCuFT_Jsuyw The new names that have come up: - August Atelier Getty - Nat Getty - Ivy Getty - Isabelle Getty - Rosetta Getty - Balthazar Getty - June Getty -Violet Getty All have Insta. Ones yet to find: - Julius - Joseph - Caleb - Andrew - Robert Maximillian - conrad - Marie Theresa A network of tunnels and underground militarized bunker facilities.                                ● Former CIA/NSA Contractor Whistle Blower Steven D. Kelley Informs us The Getty Museum Los Angeles is a National Security Agency (NSA) Base. The Getty Museum is an actual Nazi/Templar Fortress controlled by a shadowy elite force of Nazi-type spies who built operate serve hide and protect these special facilities called DUMBS or Deep Underground Military Bases. These underground bases are connected to each other by a system of Magnetic Levitation Trains and vacuum technology. Vacuum reduces air drag allowing these trains to reach very high speeds.                                ● Other functions The Getty serves: • A hub of child trafficking • Mind control (MK ULTRA) traumatized victims programmed and known by Hollywood • Missing people used as slave workers • Adrenochrome harvesting • Who is really behind the curtain controlling these "World Leaders"...                                ● Steven D. Kelley has launched his Mission Join this fight: Steven D Kelley Official Telegram Page: https://t.me/OfficialOccupyTheGettyPage Every Thursday night at 9pm ET: http://TruthCatRadio.com To schedule Interviews with Steven: law17gun@aol.com http://stevendkelley.com http://stevendkelley2024.com For the purposes of: • Taking control of and gaining access to

...kers Of War •
                      We End Them


Steven D Kelley Bio: Steven was born and raised in Southern California. He began his career in precision electro-optics during the era of the laser. He rose from optical manufacturing technician to Director of Quality Control, Engineering and Production Control. During this time, Steven advanced the state of the art in semiconductors, military systems and massive optics. After leaving to set up his own company, S.K. Industries became involved in three letter-writing agencies that supported Iraq against Iran. Some time later, the newly formed company received a contract to build solid state lasers for what turned out to be an NSA operation led by Ollie North. It was as a result of this experience that Steven awoke and began to seek the truth and embark on the path to enlightenment.

After falling out with Ollie North's gang, Steven became involved with the people working with Billy Meier and his contact with the Pleadians. The aim was to obtain technical information about the information and material supplied to Billy Meier by Semjase. At this time Steven was briefed on everything to do with the Reptoids, the Greys and even factions of the Pleadians. Steven began researching the properties of fine silver and the use of this material in the construction of beamships. The association with Billy Meier and work with fine silver caused an immediate reaction which placed Steven, his family and friends under the surveillance of various alphabet groups. After developing the semiconductor laser industry in the United States, S.K. Industries introduced the LAW-17 laser sighting system, which revolutionised laser sighting for weapons. Steven was approached by many countries for information on this technology. This has given him the experience to deal with intelligence services around the world.

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