Landstalker: The Treasures of King Nole (Part 2) - Sega Saturday

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Time for some adventure RPG SEGA Saturday. Today we continue our journey of exploration into Landstalker: The Treasures of King Nole! Part 2 Picks up after defeating the
Puzzle dungeon and obtaining the armlet. Duke Mercator has tasked us to stop some evil wizard cursing the town.

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Full Schedule + Recommend Some Games:

Sunday ~ TBD
BO3 Zombies Mapping Mondays ~ TBD
Tuesday ~ Goat Simulator 3 ~ 7PM ET
Nintendo wedNESday - Metroid Fusion ~ 7PM ET
Thursday Cross Game Co-op - Kingdom Hearts 1.5 ~ 7PM ET
Friday ~ TBD
Sega Saturday - Landstalker: The Treasures of King Nole ~ 1PM ET
Switch-IT-Up Saturday - Mario Party Superstars ~ 7PM ET

Stream may contain: Retrogaming, Retro Game, Sega, SMS, Sega Genesis, Sega Saturn, Sega Dreamcast, Video Games, Playthrough, RetroArch, Classic Games, Livestream, Gameplay, oldschool game, RPG, Landstalker, Adventure Game

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