Cyraxx on MBM's streams BEST OF 10

20 days ago

1. 0:08 2024.08.22 - chance is a deadbeat dad, abandoned his kids, ruined girls life, will never be allowed in australia!
---[Chance and Sally argue | More pig noises | Chance tries to blow out Marty's ear drums by screaming | Big Country | WMFG joins | Taylor joins]---
2. 1:39:36 2024.08.23 - this guy needs help (bad)
---[Dead baby pig gift | Marty keeps putting Chance backstage | Tony joins]---
3. 4:08:32 2024.08.24 - William buys Cyrax's girlfriend a ring she could never afford, looking like he is going to steal her
---[WMFG & Taylo are engaged]---
4. 4:23:03 2024.08.25 - chance is a sick creep, stratego time
---[AUDIO ONLY]---
5. 5:09:54 2024.08.26 - Chance is caught! CHEATING on Taylor with random facebook thot! WOW
---[9/10 rage | Chance sexted another woman | Chance isn't a real Wilkins | Chance's message history | Taylor & WMFG join | Chance fucks his dog]---
6. 7:19:11 2024.08.30 - cursory glance, still needs more sorting, but, the guys DEPRAVED!!!
---[Fatty fatty 2x4 | Marty plays the fight video to Chance | Chance's stupid laugh | Marty sings a metal song]---
7. 7:34:22 2024.08.30 - shabbat shalom schvartzas
---["Your world is falling apart, Marty" | NWB joins]---
8. 8:28:38 2024.08.31 - picking up where we left off ⧸ educational material
---[9.8/10 rage | WMFG joins, talk about Taylor]---
9. 9:45:25 2024.09.01 - the guys so bizarre
---[Chance pretends to know about Potato but he knows nothing | "I held up my end of the deal!"]---

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