Creepy TRUE Alien Stories And UFO Encounters That Will Make You Believe

4 days ago

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Episode 21 of Skywatcher Stories will make you believe! First on the list this week, is a story about a man in Arizona who has had sleepwalking episodes since childhood. Later in life he installs Ring cameras around his house for security reasons, but ends up catching something horrifying during one of his episodes. Our second scary comes to us from a trail runner in Utah who goes out for a quick six mile run alone, then has a disturbing experience while on the trail which makes her run back to her car. Later that night while checking her mileage, her fitness app tells her she ran over fifty miles which isn't possible. The third encounter takes us over to Cape Disappointment in Washington state, where a multi-family group sees something otherworldly while camping along the coast. This sighting happens right around the time pilots have been reporting strange lights. You can't miss this week's episode!

All of our horror stories are real, true short stories, sightings and encounters that we've collected, or that were sent to us directly. We are always looking for more true scary stories, so if you've seen strange lights, UFOs, UAPs, alien abductions, paranormal, or any other bizarre cryptid creatures or mysterious phenomena, please email your story to us at, and include as much detail as possible. No story is too long! It might make it into the next episode!

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