5 hours ago

Orgonite is a substance made of resin, metals and quartz that balances and harmonizes bio-energy, otherwise known as orgone, chi or prana.

Orgone takes dead orgone (DOR) and converts it into orgone (OR) which by definition is full of living energy.

Cloud busters work better if they are grounded in the soil and it’s also a good idea to keep the tubes clean just use tape or plastic on the end of the tubes so nothing gets in. It’s also a good idea to hose them once in awhile, to keep the energy clean.
If it not in contact with the soil the cloud-bustser can be put on top of the soil for 12 hours or rinse with water for 60 seconds or leave in the sun for 12 hours. This helps cleanse the orgonite and they will work better after that.

Mini-cloud busters can be used synergistically with simmering vinegar and will improve your results.

You can find mini-cloud busters on Etsy, look at the reviews for the creator.

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