#3 | What is a Doula? | With Anita Diaz - Birth and Postpartum Doula

8 hours ago


Anita Diaz - Birth and Postpartum Doula


Here we discuss what a doula is and the value of hiring one. We share personal stories about birth and postpartum and talk about how childbirth got dragged into a profit-driven medical industry and away from being the natural process it is meant to be.

Follow Anita on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100051512207850


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If you like what I'm doing, please consider supporting the Sensible Mama project to normalize home birth. In addition to this podcast, I am working on writing a book, maintaining a blog, providing mamas with one-on-one help with more home birth advocacy and outreach plans in the works. Donate here: https://www.givesendgo.com/sensible_mama

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