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Post: March 7/ 2025
March 7/ 2025
Mike Pence Military Tribunal Part 2/ Day 2👩‍🚀🧛‍♂️⚖️🧑‍🚀💫
Michael Pence’s military tribunal resumed Monday morning following a brief recess requested by the woman on the witness stand, Katie Rose Miller, Pence’s former communications director and wife to Trump confidante Stephen Miller. She reaffirmed her oath to tell the truth and nothing but the truth, as MPs escorted a handcuffed Pence to the defense table and reminded him pandemonium would not be tolerated in the Admiral’s courtroom.
Admiral Reynolds asked Miller to revisit a comment she’d made earlier, that Pence was a “sexual deviant.”
“More than once he tried showing me images of minors he was interested in acquiring,” Miller said contemptuously.
“Mrs. Miller, if the defendant only ‘tried’ showing you, how do you know he wanted you to see?” asked the Admiral.
“I’ll rephrase: He shoved an iPad in my face. Thumbnails of kids. Naked. I shoved it away and told him I didn’t want to see that shit. He was grinning. He said he wanted my advice on which of them to purchase. He told me young males aroused him, said I should look at the pictures and guess which would grow up to have long penises.”
Tears welled up in Miller’s eyes, and she covered her face with her hands. “I’m sorry,” she continued, “It’s like he was taunting me. He said he’d been having sex with boys for decades, and no one or nothing could stop him. He made inappropriate innuendoes—told me a 12- or 13-year-old boy was perfectly capable of having sex with a grown woman.”
Admiral Reynolds grimaced. “Do you have any idea why he risked telling you these details?”
“Sometimes, Michael Pence was strictly business. Other times, he wasn’t in his right mind. One second we’d be talking business, and the next he’s foaming at the mouth over young kids. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde—like a switch suddenly flipped.
“Did you ever witness the defendant use illegal drugs or drink excessively?” Admiral Reynold asked.
“Not that I ever saw,” Miller replied.
“Did the defendant ever mention murdering a child or paying someone to have a child murdered?” asked the Admiral.
“No, nothing like that,” Miller said.
“That’ll be all, Mrs. Miller. We appreciate your time. You’re excused.”
After Miller left the courtroom, Adm. Reynolds displayed to the panel an iPad and an Android phone that US Marines had taken from Pence the night they arrested him outside a home belonging to a one Martin Jimmenez, an adult male escort whom Pence had been paying $2500/hour. We now know that JAG interviewed and cleared Jimmenez; he had told investigators that Pence was one of his many clients and that he had absolutely no knowledge whatsoever of Pence’s partiality for pedophilia.
“Most pictures on these devices are grotesque, repulsive and too incendiary to show; therefore, we’ve blurred all but ones of children dressed, but it’s clear what we have here is unconscionable depravity, and, equally heinous, a literal spreadsheet showing what the defendant was willing to bid on individual children,” Admiral Reynolds said to the panel.
“This wasn’t some random, one-off act of evil,” she went on.” Cold, calculated, methodical, and pattern. So, prosecuting crimes against children is ordinarily outside our purview; it’s the domain of local law enforcement or the FBI. But the commander-in-chief has directed me to consider the totality of the defendant’s crimes. Mainly because those crimes resulted in the death of at least two children.”
She called to the stand a Secret Service agent who had protected Pence from 2018 to 2020. RRN was asked to shield his identity, so we’ll refer to him as “Agent Smith.”
The Admiral went through the formalities of swearing him in and having him cite his credentials, then got straight to the point.
“According to your deposition, you were with the defendant at the Hyatt Place Kent Narrows & Marina Hotel on February 20, 2018. Is that correct?” she asked the agent.
Agent Smith cleared his throat noisily. “My partner and I were outside the suite standing guard while Mr. Pence was in the room with his, yeah, company.”
“Company?” the Admiral queried.
“He was with an adolescent male,” the agent said.
“And you know this how?” asked the Admiral.
“Obviously, we saw them enter together. Pence told us to wait outside and that he’d be ‘finished’ in about 30 minutes,” Agent Smith said.
“You didn’t think that was fishy,” said Adm. Reynolds.
“Michael Pence is Michael Pence. He did whatever he wanted, and we, meaning the agents assigned to guard him, understood if we ratted him out, our lives, our careers, and the lives of our families would be jeopardized,” he answered.
“What happened that day?” the Admiral asked.
“We heard screams, terrible screams. Blood curling. Michael Pence cracked open the door and told us to come inside. On the bed was a 12-year-old boy, bloodied and beaten, his head cracked open where Pence had struck him with a lamp. We were told to not ask questions and to clean it up,” the agent said.
“Are those regular duties of Secret Service agents?” Adm. Reynolds wanted to know.
“Of course not, ma’am, but, like I said, he could’ve complicated our lives a lot,” Agent Smith said.
“Have you any proof this incident took place?” she asked.
“We discretely photographed it on our phones, as an insurance policy,” the agent said and handed Adm. Reynolds his phone that vividly held a photo of the agents and Michael Pence standing over the body of a lifeless child.
We will publish the conclusion tomorrow.

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