A Critique

4 days ago

Why is the economic Great Reset [& certain debt forgiveness] continually being delayed? -The Deep State [corporate] employees are refusing to recognize who THEIR boss is. Hint: THEY are not working for the public, nor honoring THEIR oath-of-Office!
Also some people, within & outside the American State National Assembly/assembled, knowingly & unknowingly, are slowing down a transition/start to a Re-setting or Re-seating of our Positive Birthright Way-of-life. This stall is via the DeepState's power-through-fear extension of Kicking-the-Can-down-the-Road/ignoring THEIR bankruptcy=[which should be a] seizing of the remaining few assets; accounting & liquidation=then dividing those few assets among the Creditors. THEY (the BEAST) cannot be "restructured!" THEIR mathematics don't add up! THEIR double-book keeping-accounting has been totally exposed. (see last Rumble.com link below; mark 27:00) THEY have been formally Noticed. THEY have been Officially Recorded & Given: "Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents; Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals."
This says it all in one article: March 10th 2022: In Support of Our Criminal Complaint and Special Grant of Jurisdiction - 9 pages -
The privately owned by the Elite's MainLineMedia continues the non-Disclosure (Cover-up=censor-ship)!
Jim Stone's latest regarding Hamas: https://www.voterig.com/.ub2.html
International Public Notice: The Federal Reserve Plan - 7 pages -
"All wars are [western Central] bankster's Wars." -Might add here, so are False Flags.
Credit vs. debt: start @ mark 17:57 https://rumble.com/v6q4afk-the-american-states-assemblies-weekly-webinar-series-3032025.html

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