YAHWEH'S TRUTH - INTEL UPDATE, MARCH 25, 2018 with host Jeromy Visser

3 days ago

This was a live radio broadcast of YAHWEH'S TRUTH with host Jeromy Visser giving a fond farewell to Dr. James P. Wickstrom who past away on March 24, 2018. I met Jim in 1990 while incarcerated in a Federal Corrections Facility in Texas. He and I were Political Prisoners fighting a war against a Jewish Occupied Government. Jim was my good friend, mentor and helped me to discover my true racial Identity. It's for this reason alone that I pay tribute and honor Jim for his work and long years as a dedicated two-seed line Identity teacher and researcher. Many of us, for me especially, in the White Resistance Movement of the 80's and 90's learned their Identity from Jim and so I considered it a real honor and privilege to put his life's work and combined years of experience and knowledge right here on one channel. Though some of his work has been lost, he left us with enough to gird ourselves for the future and for events that have already been foretold.

A mans heart deviseth his way : but Yahweh directeth his steps.
Proverbs 16:9

Be thou prepared, and prepare for thy self, thou and all thy
company that are assembled unto thee, and be thou a guard
unto them.
Ezekiel 38:7

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