Carmel Officials Criticized for Closing Beach During COVID

2 days ago

This is a freeze frame of citizens standing in line to comment before Carmel-by-the-Sea City Council last Tuesday, March 4, 2025.

Carmel is an affluent city. Actor, producer and director Clint Eastwood was Carmel’s mayor April 8, 1986 – April 12, 1988. Celebrities like the late Doris Day, Betty White; plus Brad Pitt and allegedly Taylor Swift have property there.

Before I go on why you’re viewing this freeze frame, I’ll explain what happened before.

Butte County resident and Lead Investigator Julie Threet and I appeared before Tuolumne County Board of Supervisors (BOS) meeting in Sonora, on Tuesday, March 4, 2025.

Tuolumne’s BOS meeting was at 9 am. Their public comment was on the front end of the agenda. So Julie Threet and I commented, recorded a wrap up video —which you can view on my Muzzled Truth Rumble channel. Julie drove to Butte County and I had plenty of time to ride across the state —from the foothills through the San Joaquin Valley— to the coast.

The distance between Sonora and Carmel-by-the-Sea is 175 miles, or a three hours and eight minute ride.

I arrived at Carmel-by-the-Sea long before the 4:30 pm City Council meeting.

Why did I go to Carmel-by-the-Sea, you ask?

Well Theresa Buccola, arrested by Carmel-by-the-Sea Police Department in July of 2020 for being on Carmel Beach during COVID, asked me to appear with her and other local citizens before City Council.

They commented on the Public Employee Performance Evaluation of City Administrator Chip Rerig and City Attorney Brian Pierik. Both men, plus former and some current city council members, were culpable for closing Carmel Beach during COVID.

So you’ll see Ellie, Theresa and my comment.

I noted in the video that California is divided into 58 counties and has 483 incorporated cities. Carmel-by-the-Sea is one of 12 incorporated cities in Monterey County.

I commented about what I informed their Monterey County BOS (about COVID-19 vaccines killing people) two weeks before (February 18, 2025.) You see, COVID-19 vaccines are available at local pharmacies for Carmel residents.

I first learned about Theresa when Shawn with SGT Report interviewed her. Go to, input in all caps “AMERICAN HERO THERESA BUCCOLA.”

I also invite you to go to YouTube. Input “Knowledge is Your Greatest Weapon When Dealing w/ Tyrants.”

There’s an incident that happened on July 4, 2024.

Theresa accidentally backed her car into a ditch.

Theresa said two California Highway Patrol Officers, two Santa Cruz Sheriff's Deputies and a park ranger refused to let the tow truck in to pull her out, despite the fact that her car was blocking a road that was the only way in and out of a neighborhood.

How she handled that situation was was very impressive and quite instructional.

Theresa Buccola is a brave woman. We owe her our gratitude and respect.

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