My Intestine Turned Inside Out | BORN DIFFERENT

4 days ago


25-YEAR-OLD Producer and Audio Engineer Mikey has a neurological condition so rare that it doesn't have a name - when doctors discovered his genetic mutation, they predicted that he is "one in 17 million". The condition means Mikey lives with "seizures, balance problems, mood and memory problems, and muscular problems" and something as simple as getting up in the morning takes him two hours on average. Having experienced seizures from childhood, the other symptoms developed more recently - in 2022, he noticed he was becoming "more clumsy" and "tripping over rugs"... A year later, he was using a cane to walk. During that time, Mikey received another huge blow to his health when he took himself to the Emergency Room with extreme abdominal pain. After a CAT scan, a doctor told Mikey that he had something they had "never seen in an adult" - a rare condition called an 'intussusception', where the intestine is "folded inside of itself, kind of like a sock." Doctors had no answers for the condition and had to wait for it to resolve itself. Thankfully it did, but Mikey had not been able to eat or drink for weeks and had lost huge amounts of strength as a result. Daily therapies have not been enough for Mikey to regain that strength and recently his doctor was concerned that "something was going on" with his muscles. Mikey's condition is known to be associated with ALS - a "100% fatal" condition which, if he were to be diagnosed, would gradually mean he would "lose the ability to walk, talk, swallow and then eventually breathe." Yesterday Mikey went for testing to find out if he has ALS and today his best friend Sami is coming over to hear the results. With such an "overwhelming" crossroads ahead for Mikey, how will Sami react to his potentially life-changing news?

Videographer: Bradley Beesley
Series Producer: Kim Nguyen
Video Producer: Tom Buckman
Editor: Vanessa Nascimento

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