WHOA! Per Democrats Own Rules, Maxine Waters Just Committed An Insurrection Against Our DeMoCrAcY

1 day ago

Posted • March 6, 2025: Over the past couple of weeks, we have told some mean jokes about James Brown, and we feel like we owe his fans an apology. He does not look like Maxine Waters. There, glad we could clear that up, this editor was feeling really guilty about being that mean to the Godfather of Soul. Seriously, who would want to be compared to this broad who's nuttier than a squirrel's BM? Seems she's also a traitor because, as we all know, per the Democrats, simply questioning an election makes you an insurrectionist and is treason or something. She seems to think Elon Musk hacked the election. No, really. Maxine Waters claims that Elon Musk “may have hacked the last election.” I’m sitting here in cold sweats after witnessing this dangerous attack on our democracy. The horror. HOW DARE SHE?! We may never be the same, we hope she's happy. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - WHOA! Per Democrats Own Rules, Maxine Waters Just Committed an Insurrection Against Our DeMoCrAcY

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