North Tower Rubble Pile on September 11, 2001

6 days ago

Want to see a close up of what was left of Tower 1 on 9/11?

In the middle of the rubble pile, you have a stub sticking out. That is the remnant of Stairwell B. 16 people survived there.

16 Survivors (“9/11 surfer” included) had 110 stories, equal to 10 Titanic’s in weight, stacked on top of one another above them.

The survivors heard no loud explosions, no flashes of bright light, no molten steel raining on them, they did not go blind or deaf due to light flashes or explosions, they weren’t hit by falling debris...

POOF the building is gone into a HUGE DUST cloud.

WHAT exactly happened to ALL 7 buildings with a WTC prefix on Sept 11, 2001?
The following points need to be made regarding what exactly happened to the buildings and the observable evidence at ground zero, that the “9/11 truth movement” never touch on…

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