Previous Weekly Recap-Ep's 4-6: Popular Episodes of my First 3 Months Weekly Recap Promo Showcase

2 days ago

Episodes 4-6 which I posted in mid- November, which was one of the Most Popular Weeks I had when it comes to views. So, I reposted this promo for that week (which was before I was making Weekly Recap's, but was my repost of that week from YouTube to Rumble) - to Showcase Episodes of my Podcast from my Most Popular Weeks from my First 3 Months (or Quarter) of my Podcast.

(more recent Episodes links also found below the following)

Direct links to those Episodes from that Week I'm Showcasing are right below this. Or you can find the videos at - - or at my rumble channel (link below).

Direct links:

- Episode 4 -
- Episode 5 -
- Episode 6 -

And, in those 3 episodes I talked of the general categories of:

- Energy, Science, Research and Change.
- Food, Toilets.
- Mystery, Boxing, Fitness.

Watch the other available episodes too and the next ones as they come out.

On that note, for my most recent Episode - go to - - and then, for my most recent Weekly Recap - go to -

And go to or subscribe to my channel for more of my Podcast Episodes, or subscribe to my social media and the links can be found at

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