Cyraxx on MBM's streams BEST OF 9

20 days ago

1. 0:08 2024.07.17 - Chance not happy about his home being painted red or new landlord on the horizon
---[It ramps up toward the end]---
2. 1:09:14 2024.07.19 - shabbat shalom (sorrry late, dont feel great)
---[Chance says he has night vision]---
3. 1:35:10 2024.07.20 - Drones will be more impactful than people recognize, in positive ways to help society.” ~Bill Gates
---[Chance says he's not a threat to Marty]---
4. 2:05:40 2024.07.22 - the wilkins wont stop bothering the police
5. 3:02:09 2024.07.29 - Major Developments
---[Drool | chance says Marty couldn't beat Conor McGregor]---
6. 4:07:32 2024.07.31 - Cyrax is never getting out of the mental institute, updates on his perma stay
---[Chance tries to convince Marty that he's not in the looney bin]---
7. 4:14:25 2024.08.09 - Evaluating group home options for Chance
---[Tony and N-Word Boi join | Dance stream | "I love little girls" song | "It's my life" | Chance takes his shirt off | Marty promises to leave Taylor's goats alone | Chance and Sally argue, Chance is SUPER pissed when he coems back and destroys stuff]---
8. 6:05:34 2024.08.10 - Major developments
---[More dancing | More shirtless Chance | Chance sings Backstreet Boys a cappella | GG joins and gets Chance to do laps on MX vs ATV]---
9. 7:51:23 2024.08.14 - Attorney retained to press forward on removing Chances _sons_
---[Chance and Sally argue | More MX vs ATV laps | Tony joins]---
10. 8:34:24 2024.08.16 - shabbat shalom!
---[The poisoned juice boxes | "and now because of you he's in the E.RRRRR!"]---
11. 8:53:12 2024.08.17 - Cyrax believes its his God given purpose to stalk children
---[Chance exposes Taylor and Marty]---
12. 8:58:34 2024.08.18 - Stratego stream- no stupid, delusional, annoying, idiotic Cyrax allowed
---[9.5/10 rage | Chance joins Marty's stream minutes after it starts | Chance does pig noises]---

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