🚨 see Elon Musk literally just exposed Democrats George Soros money laundering scam on Joe Rogan

2 days ago

🚨 see Elon Musk literally just exposed Democrats George Soros money laundering scam on Joe Rogan

- George Soros creates NGOs for a small amount of money
- He lobbies politicians
- Politicians then send billions of US taxpayer dollars to these new NGOs

“it's actually kind of a hack to the system where someone can get an NGO set up for a fairly small amount of money. Like George Sores was really good at this — He figured out how to hack the system

He figured out that you could leverage a small amount of money to create a nonprofit, then lobby the politicians to send a ton of money to that nonprofit. So you can take what might be, you know, a $10 million donation to a nonprofit to create a nonprofit and leverage that into a billion dollar NGO”

Joe Rogan uncensored, get the truth FIRST:

The files are open. The names are real. And the arrests? THEY’RE COMING. Time’s up for the corrupt, TAP IN NOW!


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