Arcturians Are Coming! Arcturians Are Coming! ∞The 9D Arcturian Council ~Daniel Scranton

2 days ago
Copyright © Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very happy to be able to bring you these transmissions through Daniel here, and we are very interested in making contact with each and every one of you. We work with your higher selves and your spirit guides on coming up with plans to make contact with those of you who would like to have contact with us. We are a nonphysical collective consciousness. However, we can lower our vibration enough to have a temporary physical vessel, and that will be the way some of you make contact with us. For others of you, it will be more appropriate for us to stay in our nonphysical form and contact you through telepathic transmission and through energetic transmission.

We often do set up synchronicities for you so that you will know that we are real. Many of you will experience synchronicities that pertain to this transmission, and those synchronicities will help you to recognize that we are real, and we are reaching out to you as individuals. We want you to know that we had to wait a while to be able to do this, and we waited because of your readiness, not because of our desire. We do desire to help you in all the ways that we can, and at this time you do need help preparing for physical extraterrestrial contact.

You also do need to know that you are not alone in the universe before that happens, and many of you need to know that experientially, not just mentally. We will help you to adjust your physical bodies so that you can handle the connections that you want to make with fourth dimensional e.t.s. We will be giving you activations to help you withstand the energies that you will be presented with in those moments of contact that you will have.

We also have become very fond of those of you who have been tuning in to us and our messages, and we just want to express our appreciation, and we would like to meet you. Is that so hard to believe? You have plenty to offer the rest of us in this galaxy. Do not shortchange yourselves. Do not think of lower as worse. You are just having different experiences, and our oversouls are having different experiences simultaneous to this nonphysical one as well.

There is no hierarchy. There is no reason for you to get down on your knees when you meet an e.t., and there is every reason for you to believe that you deserve to have contact with all kinds of extraterrestrials because you do. You are worthy and many of you are ready, and those of you who are not ready are being readied all the time. Keep looking to the skies and keep setting your intentions as you fall asleep to have these encounters because we are coming and because it helps you to expect that we are coming.

We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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