037 090's Commercials Volume 014

5 days ago

These commercials aired on Comedy Central on March 25th, 1994.

1. Next on Comedy Central...
2. Life Savers (Totally remember the reggae choir)
3. TV Spot for "Major League II"
4. 1-800-COLLECT (LOL Payphones)
5. Secret (With Denise Richards and Jared Leto)
6. Clothestime
7. Stand Up with Margaret Cho
8. Promo for "Short Attention Span Theater"
9. Mazda Miata
10. AT&T ("This is a Unix System...")
11. Secret
12. Mentos (Featuring what looks like a young, Scandinavian Gary Busey)
13. Greyhound
14. Pert Plus For Kids
15. Cable (GOOD LORD! The eyebrows!)
16. Ice Draft
17. Levi's 501
18. Sprite
19. Best of "The Gong Show" on Video (Did you HAVE to be high to enjoy this show?)
20. Promo for "Pepsi's A-List"
21. Zima
22. Hyundai Sonata (With Charles Barkley and Jeff Goldblum!)

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