"Dreams of the Future: Astral Journeys and the Galactic Federation" - Anthony Anzaldua - TSP 1843

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Episode Title:
"Dreams of the Future: Astral Journeys and the Galactic Federation"

Date & Time:
Tonight, 8 PM Eastern

Guest Bio: Anthony Anzaldua
Anthony Anzaldua is an experiencer and spiritual seeker who has journeyed into the astral plane, witnessing visions of the future that later manifested in the physical world. His dreams, often resembling spontaneous remote viewing sessions, have shown him events that unfolded months later with no personal effort or planning involved. Among his most profound visions is the future "benevolent" alien occupation of Earth by the Galactic Federation of Worlds—a scenario where forces of light combat the deep state's satanic factions still wielding power.

Anthony's insights weave together themes of spiritual warfare: good vs. evil, truth vs. lies, love vs. fear, freedom vs. oppression, and God vs. Satan. In this episode, he shares his personal experiences, prophetic dreams yet to come, and the spiritual truths underlying the battle for humanity's soul.

Topics to be Covered:

Seeing the Future in Dreams: Anthony’s spontaneous remote viewing experiences during sleep and the events that came true.
The Galactic Federation of Worlds: Insights into the future occupation of Earth by benevolent extraterrestrial forces.
The Spiritual War: The ongoing battle of good vs. evil, truth vs. lies, and light vs. darkness.
Waking Miracles: Unexplained phenomena and miracles Anthony has encountered.
Prophecies Yet to Unfold: Visions of upheaval and the fall of the dark factions still in power.

https://www.instagram.com/anthonyanzaldua/ - Anthony's Instagram

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#TypicalSkepticPodcast #AnthonyAnzaldua #AstralProjection #GalacticFederation #SpiritualWarfare #PropheticDreams #GoodVsEvil #Disclosure #RemoteViewing #UFOs #Aliens #SpiritualAwakening #TruthSeekers #StayFringe

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