Invasion: Demons Beneath The Euphrates, A Lovecraftian Nightmare - Mysterious Middle East

2 days ago

Mysterious Middle East
326K subscribers
137,570 views Sep 16, 2023 #euphratesriver #ancientmysteries #lovecraftian
#ancientmysteries #lovecraftian #euphratesriver #djinn #mysteriousmiddleeast

In 2022, as the Euphrates River continued to dry up, disturbing reports emerged of eerie sounds akin to demons emanating from beneath its shoreline. But there is more to this mystery. What are the origins behind the multiple djinn encounters also reported by archaeologists, locals, and explorers, and how do all of these anomalous occurrences relate to dark ancient texts, biblical prophecies, and Sumerian, Assyrian, and Mesopotamian folklore?

Voiceover by Karim Ismael
Edited by Abdullah Yahya
Featuring ‪@H3XANIAN‬ H3XA Channel

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8:25 Deir ez-Zor Villagers vs The Djinn
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