Women Will Never Be Happy - MGTOW

5 days ago

The Anhedonic Treadmill

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by the three amigos Roger, James and Chetan. Since I don't make as many old school videos I thought I'd amalgamate their donations into one video. Chetan was the only one sending me an actual topic so here's what he has to say and I quote: "Hi Sandman, There have been videos about the buring desire women have for the guys they want out there but not on the buring hatred women have for the guys they are with. I dated a girl a decade back who had burning hatred for me. She would get drunk & act like a hooligan while I was always the cultured and reserved one. I was not wanting to create drama or look for attention. She hated me for that but stuck with me cuz of the money. Everytime she got drunk she would start flirting with the bad boys with tattoos smoking Mary Jane even with me around. Whenever I see these tattooed badboys smoking up I start feeling all uncomfortable. Even years later now I find myself being a bigger a hole to these tattooed bad boys whenever possible. Some mental scarring I think from that past relationship. That's how the world is now. Every decent man has to deal with loneliness or women ravaged by bad boys or treacherous scamming simps from my country, India. Hope ww3 starts for real soon. Well Roger, James and Chetan thanks for the donation and thank Chetan for the topic. I don't think you ex was showing you hatred but it was more likely contempt. It might morph into hate if the contempt is big enough and boils over. Guys will feel the same way if a woman disrespects us. I don't know how you didn't feel disrespected when the woman you were with was flirting with those tattooed bad boys in front of you? I'm lucky to have only ever experienced horrible contempt from a woman I dated back in 2015. The last time I was involved in a relationship. I got my free tv with her employee discount and left her before she could successfully entrap me with a false allegation of some sort. Which I suspect she was planning by trying to make my blood boil. Her hatred towards me came down to the fact that I told her that a friend of mine had bought Bitcoin to protect himself from a greedy wife that was planning on divorcing him. That's when she went nuts. Funny enough when I told her this Bitcoin was $350 bucks and it looks like instead of just playing her I played myself. She was obviously thinking I had bought Bitcoin myself to protect myself from her so she's probably thinking back almost ten years now wondering if I'm sitting on insane gains. I am but just not the insane levels they could have been if I dropped one hundred K on Bitcion back then. I'd be sitting on thirty million dollars right now. If that had happened then she really would have hated me.

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