Unboxing KAC sr25 One Piece at a Time : Lunch Box, Tool Box, Tool Tray set!

11 hours ago

Help us unbox this rare and unique Knights Armament Company ‪@KnightsArmCo‬ (KAC) SR25 Exclusive Build, inspired by the legendary Johnny Cash song "One Piece at a Time." This limited edition rifle, assembled over the last five years, showcases unparalleled craftsmanship and attention to detail. With only 149 units in existence, this KAC SR25 is a true collector's item.

The Lunch Box: The upper and lower receiver
The Tool Box: The hand guard assembly
The Tool Tray: The barrel set

This exclusive build is more than just a firearm; it's a testament to the dedication and skill of the Knights Armament Company. Is this a piece of the Holy Grail? What would you do to get your hands on this set???

Big shoutout to our guy Shaun for making this deal. We're chopping it up as a win/win - This KAC SR25 will be on display at MD Arsenal very soon. Stop in anytime to take a look!

Also stay tuned for our KAC series with ‪@TacticalTurkeys‬

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Our Mission: At MD Arsenal we’re bound by a strict adherence to the sound practice and institution of firearms education, safety, and application under Maryland and Federal firearms law. Our indoor range is a state-of-the-art facility run by licensed RSOs with trained and qualified MD Arsenal personnel. Our goal is to insure not only a safe environment, but to enhance the experience for all levels of firearms enthusiasts. Our MD Arsenal philosophy is simple - enjoy your firearms responsibly, while learning and enhancing all the skills needed for safe and effective use.

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