I Bet You Didn't Know this about Ham Radio?

2 days ago

The Story of Ham Radio: A Journey Through Time and Technology

Did you know the Navy tried to Ban Ham Radio?
Who was Leon Deloy why was he so important to Ham Radio?
In this video, I cover the history of Ham Radio from the 1800's through modern day.

73, N2LEE

Just a FEW references were used to research this story.

1. Radio History: Amateur Radio:
by Spurgeon G. Roscoe VE1BC
In this sweeping history, author Spurgeon G. Roscoe takes a look at the world of amateur radio in North America and a wide-ranging, topics from amateur radio’s role on the Canadian ships of the 1920s and ’30s.

2. History of Amateur Radio: This Wikipedia article provides a comprehensive overview of amateur radio's development, including its early history and significant milestones.

3. Ham Radio History - ARRL: The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) offers a detailed account of ham radio history, highlighting key figures and events that shaped the hobby.

4. Radio Society of Great Britain:
TranAtlantic amateur radio communication involving Léon Deloy, Fred Schnell, and John Reinartz, marking a significant milestone in radio history.

5. First Atlantic Amateur Radio Contacts - Electronics Notes:
This source provides insights into the pioneering transatlantic communications achieved by early amateur radio operators, including the historic contact between Léon Deloy and American stations.

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