Crossover Day Chaos: Georgia’s Legislative Deals, Power Plays, and Political Fights

4 hours ago

This podcast on Georgia’s legislative Crossover Day—dives into the flurry of bills moving through the state legislature as they must clear committee to advance. It highlights deal-making dynamics, spotlighting SB1 (barring boys from girls’ sports), a late Trump-backed push for paper ballots in SB303 to ditch foreign-made election machines like Dominion. Key issues to watch include tax refunds masking massive budgets, SB57 (anti-discrimination lawsuits against banks) facing banking lobby resistance, and sports betting proposals (tied to casino risks and high school athlete payments) advancing while paper ballot efforts lag. HB268, expanding DFCS powers for child welfare, passed the House despite overreach fears, alongside Kemp signing a record-breaking budget. The podcast critiques GA GOP chair candidates Josh McKoon and Salleigh Grubbs for lacking vision against the Democrats’ “2030 Project” to flip statehouses, accusing Republicans of relying solely on gerrymandering rather than robust strategies, signaling a party adrift.

Today is crossover day. Things have to come out of committee today. Watch what is moving across. The deal making is in, although it starts on day one of session. If SB1 was stopping boys in girls sports, then SB 2 should have been Trump’s request for going to paper ballots, but it came in late SB303 is unplugging foreign made election machines. The dominion machines increased our voting systems by 400%. And ballot marking devices are not 22000 they are 800 each. We are not finished with SB303, citizens can move the bill.
Deals are made all through the legislative session. Deals are made today within the chambers. The power brokers are having the decisions and deals on the bills to move through opposite chambers.
What to watch for today. Taxes and refunds to taxpayers, they keep giving us $500 checks so you will shut up about the $500M water deals and enormous budget; de-banking the banking industry is trying to stop SB57 allowing people and businesses to sue banks for discrimination. The banking lobby is pushing hard to stop this, the people want SB57 to be passed; proposals to let people bet on sports and regulate the payment to high school athletes have both cleared house committees. If you allow sports betting you are allowing casinos. Now the senate has already voted on it, it has now passed the house. Now we can’t pass the directive to go to paper ballots but we can pass sports betting and pay the high school quarterback.; then there is HB268 for school safety.
Done and over with Brian Kemp signs the largest budget in state history.
GA DFCS aims for expanded powers, while lawmakers raise concerns about overreach. There are situations where the environment that kids are in and shouldn’t be there. Don’t fall for concerns of overreach. The agency wants to have more powers for judges to have arrest warrants that cross county lines and to have federal grant funds to beef up investigations into sexually exploited foster children. Now the bill that we want to die has passed the house, HB268. In this bill the growth of DFCS gains enormous power.
Georgia GOP Adrift: Leadership Lacks Vision Against Democrats’ 2030 Project

GA GOP chair candidate, Josh McKoon, and 1st vice chair candidate, Salleigh Grubbs, don’t have a plan for the GOP to move forward. They are only concerned with their political status and the next photo op. In the last 5 years there has been a downward turn in losing majorities.
Democrats have the 2030 Project, the plan to flip more state houses over several years and grab the majorities and flip constitutional offices.
We need a chairman that has a plan to combat the 2030 Project as the democrats have a year round organizing to flip the state legislature.
The only thing that the republicans have is to draw lines in gerrymandering. Republicans used to have real plans. The only thing we have is to rig elections and alter the outcomes.

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