Daily Snark 3/6/25 Career Choices

4 hours ago

As far as career choices go, I’ve made some mistakes.

Many of them.

One big one, in fact.

Going in to stand-up comedy, I had no clue the industry was anything but merit based.

My, as they say, bad.

Oh well.

The good news is: I get to act as a scared straight program for my kids.

They look at Mommy’s normal, work hard and get ahead job, and Daddy’s non-stop effort with no results career, and make an informed decision.

So, I have that going for me.

Anyway, my wife dropped this nugget of information into my lap—the fact that when she was a child, she always wondered what people inside the houses she was driving by did for a living.

And, as stated in the video (or, reel, short, or any other meta keyword I can hit for good SEO in order to please the algorithm gods), she wishes people would put a sign in their front yard advertising how they earned their paycheck.

Back then, it was out of curiosity.

Today, it’s to offer wisdom to our offspring.

Either way, me likey.

I’m all in, even if it shows my failings.


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