036 090's Commercials Volume 013

5 days ago

These commercials aired on Comedy Central on March 25th, 1994.

1. Classic Commercials Two Video Set (Is anybody sensing the irony here?)
2. Mentos (YES!)
3. TV Spot for "Jimmy Hollywood" (I've never even heard of this movie, and I have a pretty expansive knowledge of film)
4. Honda Motorcycle (One of the few motorcycle commercials I've seen)
5. Citibank
6. Mystery Science Theater 3000 College Tour (With Penn Jillette from Penn & Teller)
7. News Bites (I wasn't even aware "The New Kids On The Block" were still performing in '94)
8. Promo for "Candid Gamera"
9. Mazda MX-3 (My Dad had this car in "Jungle Green")
10. 99 Cent Whopper at Burger King
11. Zima (I pride myself in having never tried this. Apparently, it was discontinued by Coors just last month)
12. TV Spot for "Clifford"
13. Envision Contact Lenses
14. Coca Cola Bumper
15. Coca Cola (Looks like this was animated in Mario Paint)
16. Zima (I never knew deranged Nazi Scientists were that into Zima)
17. Nissan Sentra XE
18. AT&T
19. Extra Classic Bubble Gum (Who could forget the image of a girl crushed to death by a giant gum bubble?)
20. Land Rover Defender
21. Polaroid Captiva (With "comedian" Sinbad!)

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