LATTER RAIN OR ACID RAIN?_Break Through Religious Crap- Pt 42

5 days ago

The "Latter Rain Movement" is another "Johnny Come Lately", ( like the "Pretrib-Secret Rapture") bowel movement doctrine from Satan pretending to be from God's spirit. Here I expose the fairy tale and myth of an alleged FUTURE "move of God" which never seems to the vibrating, jerking, laughing Charismaniacs continue sitting around for another spirit tingle while the lost World marches headlong into eternal destruction.
Do you know why Christians ignore Jesus' command ( Mt 28; Mk 16)
to "Go ye" into the harvest-fields to labor at hoeing, sowing, watering and reaping the languishing harvest? Because they have been duped by their pulpit pimps and prophets that the next "move of God" is just around the corner to bring revival...that never comes. The laborers are few because few believed the harvest is ready NOW, while the majority are waiting for the fictitous "Latter Rain" to do what Christian s were already commanded to do. Why do Christians call Jesus "Lord, Lord" yet refuse to obey him? Maybe cuz they're idol is "Revival"!?

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