A Deeper Look At Dancing | Part 1

2 days ago

In this lesson titled: A Deeper Look At Dancing | Part 1 ... I discussed some important things the Bible teaches about dancing and things related to that topic. This lesson has three main sections in it.

In the first main section... I discussed how the Bible speaks of two distinct types of dancing throughout it... Which is critical to understand regarding this topic!

One type of dancing mentioned in the Bible is God-approved and... If I were to categorize it... It would fill the "celebratory" type of dancing. This type of dancing is pure before God... And would not tempt or cause someone else to stumble spiritually. This type of dancing is where one may "jump up and down with joy" ... As we might expect if our football team scored the winning touchdown as time expires.

The other type of dancing mentioned in the Bible is the type that is used in the sense of males and females interacting together in what we associate with dancing at a club, party, wedding reception, or the prom. This type of dancing is condemned by God! Are you aware that every time men danced with women in both the Old and New Testaments... It was condemned by God? This type of dancing is vulgar... Sexual in nature... And has harmed numerous people spiritually!

In the second main section... I provided a list of seven violations of Scripture that occur when someone attends the prom or similar dance settings. These seven violations include:
1) Lasciviousness
2) Lust
3) Immodest apparel
4) The bad atmospheres of school dances and other similar dance settings... Particularly... The appearance of evil
5) Having fellowship with the works of darkness
6) Lending approval to the works of darkness
7) Entering into the way of temptation

In the third and final main section... I read some passages from two separate Bible accounts wherein we can see the prevalence of the sinful type of dancing... And the problems that arose in those accounts.

The first account I read from and discussed was in Exodus 32. In the context of that chapter… Moses had been up on the mountain where he received the two tablets of the Testimony. While he was up there... The people persuaded Aaron to make them an idol. Aaron went through with this... Made them a golden calf... And then the people engaged in an idolatrous celebration... Which included lascivious dancing.

The second account I read from and discussed was in Mark 6 where Herodias' daughter danced in a sinful manner before King Herod. I read Mark 6:14-29 and then discussed that passage.

This lesson may challenge what you currently believe... And that is okay! I do not want you nor anyone to take my words as the final authority... Because they are not the final authority!

God's word is the ultimate and final authority on all spiritual matters! I only want you and others to accept the words that I have spoken in this lesson if they line up with what the Bible teaches.

I invite you to put the words that I have spoken in this lesson to the test... Go and search the Scriptures for yourself... And see if what I have said is true. Always check and make sure that what I teach and what anyone else teaches lines up with what the Bible teaches!

Be like the noble Bereans who "received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so" (Acts 17:11). In 1 Thessalonians 5:21... Paul said, "Test all things; hold fast what is good."

If you ever believe that I have taught something that does not line up with the Bible... Please reach out to me and let me know... Because I only want to teach that which the Bible teaches! You can contact me by sending an email to me at gbgbiblicalguidance@gmail.com

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