YES ‼️ This Dem influencer gets it RIGHT ‼️

3 hours ago

Democrat with 100k followers was just woken up by how Democrats acted during Donald Trump’s speech last night.
“I'm actually glad that they pulled that yesterday because people like me who have been disillusioned by the Democratic party for a long time, got to see an evilness there, got to see a diabolical side of the Democratic party who's basically saying, we want you to fail. We don't care if you fail.””

“I cannot tell you how refreshing it was to wake up this morning and hear from other Democrats and see on my post other Democrats who are just as furious and ready to frigging jump ship as I am.”

“I'm not buying into what they're selling because after what we saw yesterday — It feels like it's the scene in the Wizard of Oz when they finally go back to see the great Oz and they pull the curtain back and it, it's just a little old man just standing there like that doesn't have a fucking clue.
I am not gonna be afraid to like voice my opinion anymore.
I'm done. I am done. I am done.
And you're not gonna bully me off my own page by thinking logical thoughts. I'm not gonna be gaslit by my own party.
Not one day more. Not one day more.”

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