Financial Prosperity

2 days ago

Perhaps the worst teaching ever presented to the church is our modern-day prosperity gospel in which faith preachers and televangelists have long taught that our tithes and offerings, as well as our financial blessings into the lives of others, all exist as types of seed sown to the Lord whereby He will prove Himself faithful to bless us with a one-hundred-fold return.

Unfortunately, those faith preachers and televangelists are ignorant as to how the Lord will multiply our financial seed back to us, other than "by faith".

Meaning that we must "really believe that God will do it because that's what faith in God is all about".

Simply put, the Lord multiplies our financial seed back to us through the fruit of some type of goods and/or services that we produce, because our fruit is the converter. It is that which our seed sown can be multiplied back to us through as men and women give into our bosom in order to partake of the fruit that we have produced.

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