I'm Trans & He's Republican - It's Hard Right Now | LOVE DON'T JUDGE

5 hours ago

WHEN Republican supporter Corey met trans woman, Evee, on Tinder, he knew he had to drop her a DM. He told Love Don't Judge: "I ended up shooting her a message. When I first saw her, I did not know that she was trans." Evee quipped, "I had it on my profile but, like most boys, they don't read. So he missed that part." The couple fell in love, but their opposing political beliefs have caused some friction. Evee admitted: "There's a lot of heated moments. There's a lot of anger sometimes. We've learned to really navigate and take those moments to sit down and have those hard conversations." With what's happening in the country right now, Evee and Corey have endured some very tough moments. "Dating a Republican man has made me feel angry and upset and confused. I don't feel safe in this country right now," Evee explained. In this episode of Love Don't Judge, the couple will be meeting with Evee's friend Cassie, a trans woman. Cassie revealed, "When she first got with Corey, I was a little skeptical..."

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