Remove Property Taxes

15 days ago

Did you consent to have your property taxed?
Do your taxes go up every year?

Yes, you consented to it.
You think it's the "law".

Let's back up 100 years.

If I wanted to buy 100 acres of land from John, John and I make a deal.

I pay him.
We create a deed.

I put the deed in my safe.
End of story.
No taxes.

But what if my home and safe caught on fire?
What happened to my deed?

So the County Recorder was created.
I recorded my deed to tell the world, "hey I own this!"

Now my land is on the PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Now it can be SEEN....
So it can be TAXED.

The government cannot regulate private affairs.
They can only regulate COMMERCE.

I can't pound this into your head enough.
You have a right to private economic activity.

So by removing your property from the county recorder, you remove the ability for it to be taxed.

They're not gonna like this, but it is YOUR RIGHT.

So you're going to have to learn how to stand upon your right.

This is what we teach in the Inalienable University.

You can be property tax free in about a month if your property has no lien.

If you have a lien, we have a process to remove that as well.

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