Mike Ferguson in the Morning/03.06.25/M. Schmitz/C. Arps/S. Moore/E. Robert

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GUEST LINEUP (subject to change)

5:35-(replay) Mark Schmitz from TheFreedom13.org on President Trump's speech and the capture of the top leader of the Islamic State responsible for the Abbey Gate attack in Kabul in 2021.

6:35-afternoon co-host Chris Arps on the MO GOP State Lincoln Days this Fri-Sun, March 7-9, at The Sheraton Westport Chalet Hotel.

7:05-Susie Moore from RedState on the Supreme Court's ruling on foreign aid through USAID, and a preview of this weekend's edition of RedState Radio on NewsTalkSTL, Sunday at 4pm.

7:35-Eric Robert from Clearpath Wealth Management on skittish markets, the changing economy, and what investors should watch for in the coming months.

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