"Combat Veteran" Tampon Tim Walz Triggered By Folks Being Attacked For Lying About Their Background

4 hours ago

Posted • March 6, 2025: ‘Pocahontas’ Is a Nickname and Not a Slur No Matter How Much it Upsets Elizabeth Warren and Tim Walz — I always let out a laugh when Democrats try to act like Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren is a victim for being called, ‘Pocahontas.’ President Donald Trump called her by that nickname (yes, it’s a nickname) Tuesday night to uproarious laughter during his address to Congress. Let's relive that glorious moment. —— LMAO. TRUMP IS HILARIOUS. "The U.S. has sent hundreds of billions of dollars to support Ukraine's defense… *Democrats clap* … You want to keep it going another 5 years? Yeah, Pocahontas says yes." Elizabeth Warren can be seen FUMING. https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1897132435722145792/pu/vid/avc1/1280x720/ii1itma901p0jEn0.mp4 —— Poor Pocahontas, applauding the needless deaths of thousands and thousands of young men on both sides of the Ukrainian border. Won’t people stop calling her names?

Well, here comes Minnesota Governor Tim Walz to the rescue. He’s upset that warmongering Warren is being called a ‘slur.’ —— Tim Walz fumes after Trump calls Elizabeth Warren "Pocahontas" during his address. "The idea of a president standing at that rostrum and throwing a slur at a US senator in the middle because you disagree on policy is absolutely ridiculous." —— I can see why these two fellow liars have each other’s backs. I reiterate, that ‘Pocahontas’ is a nickname, not a slur. She earned it by pretending to be a Native American to game the system. These are all things she has never been punished for. So, she can handle a nickname. It’s not a racial slur. It’s a nickname, duly earned by her for lying about being American Indian to game the affirmative action system. Which is a racist act. And it’s “Fauxcohantas”. YW, Tim. https://video.twimg.com/tweet_video/GlTr0NFbMAA8IRS.mp4 —— He’s saying being called Native American is a slur I think.

Bahaha I guess he didn’t get the memo, woke is over, and Pocahontas never was and still isn’t a slur. Still not a slur. The only person who has disrespected Native Americans is Warren. Elizabeth Warren claimed Native American ancestry for years, even listed herself as a minority in legal directories. A DNA test later revealed she’s about 1/1024th Native American. If anyone disrespected Native Americans, it was her. Try not to sell her short. She also proudly claimed to be Harvard faculty’s first woman of color. Walz is just another Democrat crying over the truth, Warren lied about her heritage for personal gain, and Trump isn’t afraid to call it out! Boohoo tampon Tim. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GlTnbOYWQAAtAR7?format=jpg&name=medium —— Imagine being judged by Walz and Warren, two of the slimiest liars in politics. Warren needs to get used to it. I and others will be calling her ‘Pocahontas’ for the rest of her life. Lest we forget, it’s a nickname, not a slur.

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