Mini 14 Known Distance AQT

4 hours ago

Mini 14…Strapped on Canvas GI shooter’s sling, shortened LOP and eye to peep, installed Tech-Sights, added a Choate Ventilated Handguard, and upgraded to the Accuracy Systems adjustable gas block.

I took the AmbGun tweaked Mini 14 out for a Known Distance AQT. Shooting from field positions: offhand, sitting, and prone. At full AQT ranges of 100, 200, 300, and 400 yards. Half Left hand and half Right Hand. Using 77 gr Federal Gold Medal Match 223

I scored a 218…solid “Rifleman” territory. Compared to a 229 KD score with the Bear Creek Arsenal Carry Handle AR and 236 score with the ACOG equipped BCM.

Interestingly, I shot a perfect 50 offhand with the Mini replicating the perfect offhand score shot at 25 meters. I had one miss at 300 yards…occured when my support hand came in contact with the op rod causing a malfunction. Having dialed down the Mini’s aggressive cycling with the adjustable gas block and running the softer shooting Federal 223 ammo it was pretty sensitive to op rod contact. For that reason, I decided to return to the stock handguard with its coverage of the op rod.

Add back in that miss, and I'm into the 220’s. Given the 1:9 twist, perhaps I should replicate the test with some, theoretically better, 62 gr ammo.

I think attributing anything significant to the difference in scores would be a “fooled by randomness” mistake. I have far more range time on AR’s but feel surprisingly comfortable with the Mini 14 from field positions. The Mini 14, basically a semi-auto bolt action, reminds me of the period in paintball when the mechanical AutoCockers were still holding their own against electronic paintball guns.

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