CBS Evening News Profiles Two Workers Laid Off From National Park Service

5 hours ago

Posted • March 6, 2025: Whenever there's a looming government shutdown or, in this case, mass firings, the legacy media always seems to seek out people in forestry to use for their sob stories. Last month, CBS News for example featured a national park ranger who was fired from his dream job on Valentine's Day, of all days. How cruel is that? —— CBS News @CBSNews: “National park ranger fired from "dream job" on Valentine's Day pens emotional viral letter: "Things are not ok".” —— Is it legal to fire someone on Valentine’s Day? We've had a couple of weeks to dry our eyes, but now CBS Evening News is going back to the well, profiling two other National Park Service workers who lost their jobs. We checked back through CBS News' timeline to see when they did their sob stories of Keystone XL pipeline workers who'd suddenly lost their jobs, but all we found were stories about protesters trying to shut it down. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - CBS Evening News Profiles Two Workers Laid Off From National Park Service
CBS News: National Park ranger fired from "dream job" on Valentine's Day pens emotional viral letter: "Things are not ok"
Rumble: CBS Sob-Story Plus: Two Workers Laid Off From National Park Service Sound Off On Their Struggles

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