Measles Outbreak: 8 Facts We Need to Know! Ep. 345

2 days ago

I’m never on Facebook but I hopped on the other day to look at Marketplace.

I doom scrolled for just a minute (mistake🤦‍♀️) and saw some posts about the measles outbreak in Texas.

Some people were quite concerned. Some got a measles vaccines for the first time since childhood.

Others felt the whole thing was overblown. Yes, tragically, a child died. However, we don’t know if he/she had preexisting conditions or comorbidities. Nor do we know if he/she had been vaccinated against measles or received the MMR.

We DO know vaccines don’t 100% stop infection or transmission. (See COVID-19 jab for more info . . .)

This morning, I received an informative email from Stand for Health Freedom and I wanted to share it with our Love & Life family.

Join us for 8 Important Facts you need to know as you make decisions regarding the measles outbreak!


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Dr. Karin & Pastor Elliott Anderson
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