When Every Cop in The City Knows You

7 hours ago

In today's case, we're going to learn why we shouldn't mess with the cops. But before that, let's rewind a bit and see how the story led up to this moment. Clearly, the woman was not mentally stable, which made this case a bit more complex for the officers. In the following minutes, we’ll witness the various ways she made it challenging for the officers to deal with her. The woman even led the officer to the spot where the suspect had relieved herself, which would serve as solid evidence against her. The officers decided to talk to the suspect, and this is where the case starts to get interesting. Angela is one of many who struggle with their own minds daily. More than 13.9% of Americans are affected by some form of cognitive impairment, which can sometimes lead to serious situations like this. It’s sad to see her in this state, but with enough awareness, we can at least strive to make these interactions more positive, as the officer is trying to do here. Soon, her father arrived at the scene and tried to talk her out of the situation. Angela was uncooperative and continued escalating the situation. This wasn’t going to end well at all. Seeing her become even more agitated, the officers decided to arrest her, but this only made her angrier. The woman was charged with resisting arrest, battery upon a peace officer, assault and disturbing peace.Summary


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