New Lot of Alpha Cases - Test Two! How Close Are They?

3 days ago

Getting into the 2nd test on this new batch of Alpha Munitions 6 Creedmoor brass. I wanted to find out just how close are the different boxes.
Even though they are all the same lot, there are still some variances.
Now, this was only some quick 5 shot groups, and I don't think they variations are enough to worry about. Pretty much, they are all within the typical ES of any of my groups. I think that should be good for what I am doing.
I am still currently planning to keep the boxes separated for now.
As I work through them more and get to the 3rd firing on each of them, I will test again to see how they behave.
I have noticed that Alpha brass tends to take a few firings to really get broken in. So, after a few more we will check this all again.
I hope that at that point I can just mix this all together and not worry about which box I am grabbing from as I load through these cases.
I am nervous about Saturday!
The weather is of course showing this Saturday to be the coldest of the last 2 weeks and a decent chance for rain all day long, lol.
That is just my luck!!

Still going to give it a try and see how the regional PRS match goes!
Starts at 8, so I am going to need to leave the house around 5am. Drive for 2 hours and get set up and check the place out.
I do terrible in the mornings. I hope I don't sleep in too late. I will try to get up at like 2am and hopefully moving by 3am, lol.
Check back next week to find out how this goes!!

Thanks for watching and I hope you have a great rest of your day and an awesome weekend!

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