S03 E29 - The attacks from Evil Spirits towards me has begun!!

9 hours ago

Yesterday morning, after I recorded another video, I began to feel nauseous about an hour later. I thought this was very odd, as I pretty much eat the same things for breakfast. I knew the food had not gone bad. Then I began to think maybe an Evil Spirit came at me after I had discussed in the previous video that I would do an investigation at a downtown cemetery.

What surprised me was I always thought I was safe in the room. I have the Crucifix and Exorcist ring in this room. So I decided to connect to the Other-Side. This was about an hour after I first felt sick. When I closed my eyes and connected, I saw a partial face looking at me from around a corner. When he saw that I had seen him, he retreated. When I saw him again, he was farther away. I believe that I have made the Evil Spirits hate me enough to come into this room.

Then when I went to bed last night, there was no White Light from the Holy Spirit. When I connected again, there was a semi-circle of Evil Spirits all looking at me, just waiting to attack me. But they didn't move, for now. Now, I have to be more cautious when I am in my house and constantly wear my Exorcist ring at all times. I knew this day would come, I just didn't know when. But I do now.

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