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Prophet Julie Green - The Biggest Political Slush Fund is About to be Ending - Captions
Julie opens with a devotional message on freedom, emphasizing scriptures like 2 Corinthians 3:17 and John 8:36 that highlight spiritual freedom through Christ. She discusses how enemies try to steal personal and national freedoms, and advocates using God's word to reclaim these rights. Julie stresses that God's plan includes restoring freedoms in all areas of life, including mental, physical, and financial well-being. She then shifts to a prophetic message about imminent exposures of corruption within the U.S. government, particularly the IRS. The prophecy predicts a monumental political and financial reset that will dismantle corrupt systems and restore wealth to the people. Historical biblical examples of God's deliverance, like the Israelites' exodus from Egypt, are cited to illustrate the scale of the prophesied changes. Julie concludes with a prayer for national and personal freedom, financial restoration, and comfort for individuals affected by recent natural disasters.
✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video was posted on 02-17-2025 and may be watched here: 👉
Claim Your Freedom: Empowering Words and Prophetic Expose (Feb 17, 2025)
In today's powerful message, we dive into words of encouragement and scriptures on freedom before moving into a prophetic word from the Lord. We discuss the enemies' attempts to strip us of freedoms encompassing our minds, bodies, finances, families, and nations and how to reclaim them with the Word of God. Further, we illuminate the corruption within the IRS and the political slush fund that has undermined our financial stability. Discover how God’s mighty hand will expose and dismantle this corrupted system, restoring what has been stolen. Join us for this vital discussion on ensuring liberation and justice for our nation.
00:00 Morning Greetings and Weekend Reflections
00:13 The Importance of Freedom in Christ
01:30 Scriptural Foundations of Freedom
03:01 Living in the Freedom Jesus Paid For
08:55 Prophetic Word: The Biggest Political Slush Fund
09:19 Exposing Corruption in the IRS and Government
16:13 God's Plan for Financial Restoration
19:03 Lessons from the Exodus
36:46 The Death Machine and Its Impact
38:02 Biblical References and Promises
42:24 Financial Corruption Exposed
50:58 The IRS and Federal Reserve's Role
01:03:35 Prayers for Restoration and Protection
01:08:06 Closing Remarks and Announcements
Video Information:
MUSIC: First Song - Make It Last by LNDO
Second Songs - Kindred by LNDO
COPYRIGHT 2025 Julie Green Ministries International
SCRIPTURES: 02.09.25 The Biggest Political Slush Fund is About to be Ending
Encouraging Scriptures
2 Cor.3:17
1 John 4:4
Rom. 12:2 (Renew your mind with the Word)
1 Cor.6:20; Gal.3:13-15; 1 Peter1:19(Christ paid your ransom)
God wants you free.
Jesus already paid the price for your freedom with His precious blood.
Being free does not give you a license to sin.
Prophecy Scriptures
Prov.6:31(when the thief is caught, he must restore it sevenfold)
Ex. 13:3, 9, 14
Ex. 15:6
Heb. 13:8 (God is the same yesterday, today, and forever)
Ps. 17:7
2 Chron. 20:6
Phil.4:13(You can do all things through Christ)
Ps. 110:1
Ps. 119:89, 105:8-11; Jer.32:40; Ezek.37:26(God’s Word & covenant are eternal; they stand forever)
Jer.1:12; Heb.10:23(God is faithful to perform His Word)
God wants you free in every area of your life.
God wants you to be prosperous in every area of your life – spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, and financially.
Don’t be like the Israelites, quickly forgetting all God has done.
Earnestly remember God’s Mighty Hand. Earnestly remember all that God has already done. Earnestly remember His promises.
God provides. He is your provider. He promises you His goodness; He will provide it.
When God says something, He is faithful to perform His Word. We wait expectantly and thank Him for fulfilling His Word in the meantime.
Trust God. Wait on the Lord. He will retroactively restore to you all the enemy has stolen.
Prayer Scriptures
Ex.4:23; 5:1;7:16; 8:1, 20; 9:1, 13; 10:3 (Let My people go)
Isa.54:17(No weapon formed against you shall prosper)
2 Cor.3:17(Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty)
1 John 4:4 (Greater one on the inside)
1 Cor.6:19-20 (Everywhere we go, God goes with you)
Ex.12:35-36 (We will not go out empty)
Num.11:23(God’s hand is not waxed short)
Heb. 13:8 (God is the same yesterday, today, and forever)
Phil. 4:7 (Peace that passes all understanding)
Matt.16:19,18:18-20 (Binding)
Phil. 2:9-11 (Name above every name)
Ps. 110:1, Mark12:36, Luke20:42-43 (The enemy is under your feet)
Video Transcript:
Good. Morning everybody. Today is Monday and it's February 17th, 2025, and I hope each and every one of you had a very enjoyable weekend with your family. Now, today I wanna go over some encouraging words and give you some encouraging scriptures before I get to the prophetic word again. And I was talking about this on Friday of last week.
I was mentioning all the scriptures about freedom because our enemies have done everything they can to take our freedoms away, whether it's freedoms in our mind, freedoms in our body, freedoms in our finances, freedoms with our families, freedom in our nations. It doesn't matter. The list goes on of all the freedoms that our enemies have really tried to do everything they can to destroy what God has given to us and what Jesus has paid for.
The enemy doesn't want us to know what Jesus paid for in order to for us not to be able to receive the benefits of that sacrifice. So I want you to be very aware every single day that your enemy, in some way, shape, or form, is trying to steal your freedom from you. And what you need to do is use the word of God against your enemy in order to attack him back, in order to take back what's rightfully yours.
Jesus paid for your freedom for you to enjoy it. Now, when I go to two Corinthians three and 17. Two Corinthians three and 17 says, now the Lord is the Spirit and where the spirit of the Lord is. There is liberty emancipation from bondage and freedom. Now, remember where the spirit of the Lord is. There's emancipation from bondage and freedom.
Well, where is the spirit of the Lord on the inside of us? And that's why one John four, four says, the greater one lives on the inside of us, then Heath that's in the world. So if we know where the Lord's spirit is, there is freedom and emancipation from bondage. That means that spirit lives on the inside of us, and so we should be free in every area of our life.
We should not be in bondage, and we should have that liberty that Jesus has paid for. If we all just sat there and asked God for the revelation knowledge of every part of our redemption rights and what the prices were, the price was paid for us, and what all we can receive from that, the revelation knowledge in, we wouldn't be giving into so many things from the enemy.
We wouldn't be allowing certain things to happen or thinking it's just normal when it's actually not. We are living in a battlefield, and that battlefield sometimes is in our own minds, and what we have to do is get that mind of Christ, renew our minds with the word of God in order for us to have a sound mind and freedom in our minds.
Because if we don't have freedom in your mind, just think of how it affects your entire system. God wants you to have not just freedom in our nations, which a lot of people want. He wants freedom in your own body. He wants freedom in your own mind. He wants freedom in every area of your life so you can freely serve him.
Let's go to John 8 36. So if the sun liberates you, makes you free men, then you really unquestionably are free, whom the son free is free. Indeed, Jesus as obvious was the son of God and he is the one who is a son of God and he's the one who set us free. And so again, we can't, like it says in Galatians five, one that I read to you on Friday, he, God doesn't want us to take that yoke again of bondage and of slavery, which we have once put off when we receive Jesus, the Son, as our Lord and Savior and the enemy tries to do everything on a daily basis to deceive you out of that freedom.
Of that liberty, out of that price that Jesus already paid for you. He's trying to take you back out, and he's trying to bring you into the bondage that he wants to keep you in. We have to know whom the sunsets free is free indeed. Who the Son, free every person who accepts him as His, as his Lord and Savior.
If Jesus says Your Lord and Savior and we accepted him, then we are completely set free. And it's our choice whether to we believe it or not, because you can be a child of almighty God. You can accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, but not accept any of the freedoms that it comes with it because you don't know about him and you don't stand and hold fast against the onslaught of the enemy, and all of his attacks are taken away from you because you're a Christian.
The enemy wants to do everything he can against you, but also because you're a born again Christian, you can do everything to put him under your feet and stop his attacks. And make it where they're not prosperous against you because you're using the word of God against him. And the word of God always works.
Here's another scripture. Let's go to Galatians five 13
and it says, for you, brethren, we're deed called to freedom. So we're not just free. We have been called. Or you can say we have been summoned to be free only. Do not let your freedom be an incentive to your flesh, an opportunity or excuse for selfishness, for through love. You should serve one another. So some people think, well, that's freedom.
I can go do everything I want. No, we're supposed to still serve one another. We're supposed to be a vessel of Almighty God. So being free doesn't mean we have a license to sin and we can do whatever we want when we want. We still have to follow the commandment, which is the commandment. The first commandment is to walk in love, and if we walk in love, which means we're walking with God.
'cause God is love and we know we're walking with him. We're on a shadow of the Almighty for the shadow of the Almighty. Where in his presence and where His presence there is freedom, and where there's freedom, there is joy, where there's joy, there's also peace. Where there's peace, there's also healing.
The list goes on of the redemption and all of our redemption rights that we have because of Jesus Christ. Enjoy up today and don't let your enemy talk you out of the freedom that is already yours. Remember for you, brethren, we're indeed called to freedom. You've been summoned just like you get a summons to a court case.
If you were the juror. God has called you to be free. He wants you to receive and take what is rightfully yours that Jesus paid for. He paid too high of a price for us not to live in that freedom that he's given to us. So hold on to your freedom and remember every single day tell your enemy he can't take your freedom from you.
Tell your enemy that you are free in your spirit, you're free in your soul, you're free in your mind, you're free in your body, you're free in your socially, and you're free financially to freely serve God and always, because that's exactly what he wanted for children for all time, was for us to be completely set free.
That's why even in the Garden of Eden, when Adam and Eve messed up, God already had a plan and you know, he had a plan before the foundation of the world. He knew Adam and Eve were going to mess up and Jesus. Was the one who God had sent for each and every one of us. So again, don't let our enemy take that freedom from you.
You hold onto it and take it because its price has already been paid. You have been rancid, you have been bought with the precious blood of Jesus Christ. So declare your freedoms today, no matter what it is, no matter how bad it may seem, the freedom that Jesus paid for you will get you out of all that bondage that Satan is trying to keep you in.
Okay, I hope all that encouraged you this morning. Now I wanna go over this prophetic word now. This was the first one I heard on February 9th. Okay? This is the first of two. I heard two of them that day. This was last week ago, Sunday. And this one's called the Biggest Political Slush Fund is About to be Emptied.
For I The Lord this day am telling you, O United States the biggest political slush fund that was criminally organized and designed to look legal and acceptable in your government spending operations is about to be discovered. This slush fund financed the establishment, and it was their main source of power and control to manipulate this nation.
You may ask, where does the money come from that our enemies thrive on? Well, my children, your taxpayer dollars, the doors will be open wide on your IRS. Scandal after scandal and fraud after fraud will be discovered and exposed It is a cesspool of corruption. The design of the IRS was never to help you or to make this nation stronger.
It was the exact opposite. It was to break the American people financially while the establishment became more powerful, by the day.
Your taxes paid criminals running your nation, along with the ones who are trying to kill this nation and bring it and bring it to its own. The biggest audit of taxpayer money will find corruption on a scale that makes USAID and others like nothing, because the IRS, the tax system was the heartbeat of the death machine.
Yes, this was the hub of all financial criminal activity. Where all your money went and who it went to will shock this nation. The tax system, as you see it will be dismantled along with the ones holding this nation and its purse strings who are in the House of Representatives will all be held accountable with all the money they try to hide under the table, to strengthen the establishment, your enemies and other nations to finance the weapons and their terrorists, to grow them stronger, to bring fear across the nations, to have bigger government for your supposed protection
when big government was the biggest enemy to your freedoms and against your peace across this nation. There will be a great shaking in your house, O United States! Explosive exposures on each and every house member who used the purse of the nation and the tax dollars for their financial gain and to destroy and dismantle your country.
Every house speaker in the past who helped and took part in this type of deception and treason will be exposed. There are many traitors that have left governmental positions who truly thought they got away with the crimes they took part in or allowed to take place. But Justice is at their doorsteps.
And woe to every federal and governmental worker who stole from this nation, and were a part of this government slush fund. I have your number and it's about to expire. For this cleaning of the house will expose more than just financial slash fund of your government. This will begin the biggest political reset in human history.
You are the same people who stole money from this nation and are the same people who have stolen elections and manipulated every part of the governmental system to benefit yourself. Your systems, your power, and your hidden agendas and all your secrets will all come out in the open and justice will be served in front of the ones you stole from.
Your government - your seats of power in this nation will be ripped from your cold hands, and be given back to the American people, right before your very eyes says The Lord of Hosts.
For I The Lord will dismantle the IRS, the Federal Reserve, Wall Street (as you know it), the private financial sector, Silicon Valley, and the complete financial market in this nation. A new one will be put in place and gold and silver will rise like never before. The gold standard will come back with vengeance in this golden age of this nation. A new way is coming
O United States and the finances will be even greater than it has been in this nation before, because the financial leeches will be a distant memory and their system obliterated. So enjoy the new age in this nation! It'll be far greater than most realize!
The debt clock will evaporate and be like it never existed. I will show you where all the money is that belongs to this nation that was taken and it will be given back. This is far greater than what was seen in Egypt because this is the Greater Exodus and this will affect every nation, not just one. My children,
so hold on, finances across the globe will be given back in unprecedented ways because I'm restoring all that's been stolen from you. This is a time for the greatest financial shift the world has ever seen. Your enemies control over the financial system and this mountain will all but disappear.
O United States, everything taken from you will be given back. A flood is coming that will bring an overflow to my children. So hold on, the doors are open and this restoration has only just begun, says The Lord, Your Redeemer. Now in this prophetic word, one of the things he's talking about, which some people will not even touch in the churches as finances.
Now I'm gonna show you several different scriptures that the Lord was giving me this morning. This has happened on multiple occasions. Not only does God want us free in our nations, he wants us free in our minds. He wants us free in every era. Our body, our bodies, he wants us free in every area. That includes a financial system.
A financial system has always been put in place against God's people because Satan has tried to use, again, like I said earlier in the beginning of this live show. He's tried to do everything in every way to take your freedoms from you, and that includes finances. How did the Israelites in the land of Goshen eventually become slaves?
Because when Joseph invited his family in there, after the seven years of famine, they came in. Rich God's people were not poor, and they were not enslaved to the Egyptians. When they first came to the land of Goshen, they were there as free people. Over time, the enemy got in, changed the system, changed their mindset, took away their freedoms, taxed them into a slavery, and that's how it became happened.
It happened as the enemy designed, but again, there's a point in time where God says, enough is enough. He even called them and I, I was literally laughing when I first heard this, so like, did you actually say that? But he called them financial leeches. They've been leaching onto our financial system and sucking everything they can out of our finances, out of our pockets as they possibly could.
Why? For their financial gain, for more power, for their empire to grow. Remember, their empire can't grow without our tax money. Their empire can't grow without us, and that's the reason why. But if they got, if we got too big and if we started revolting against 'em, that is the reason why they try to make us sick.
They try to make us mentally ill. They have tried to, to take our finances away from us. They have tried to tear our families apart. They have tried everything they can to make their system. Make us weaker in every possible way, shape and form. But just like it happened in Egypt, this is what the Lord said.
I, when I get to these scriptures, it's so vitally important. And Chris, Chris and I, over the weekend, we watched The 10 Commandments again. You guys know that this is one of my favorite stories in the Bible, one of, but there was something that the Lord was showing me even as I was reading this. Remember, God's people got all the wealth, but what did they do with it?
They were completely stupid with it. They made a golden image. They literally were dumb about it. They were against a God and they made theirself an own God to worship. They forgot he was the one who gave them those finances. I. They forgot. He's the one who gave them that freedom. They forgot he was the one who healed them.
He was the one who restored everything that was taken from them and somehow they forgot. And that's what your enemy wants you to do. After God does all these things, he wants you to forget who did it. He wants you to forget and have you turn your back on him. Now I'm gonna go to Exodus three. Exodus three and verse 19.
Look at what God said. Again. God's people were not gonna be able just to walk outta the land of Egypt on their own. If they would've done it, Pharaoh, his army would've come and got him and taken him right back to where they needed to be or right where Pharaoh wanted him to be. There had to be judgment.
There had to be removals. God had to weaken that enemy. Look what it says right here, Inod three 19. And I know that the King of Egypt will not let you go unless forced to do so. No, not by a mighty hand. God knows just like Pharaoh of old, because he calls them Pharaohs of today. They're not willing to let us go unless they're forced to do so.
Just how Pharaoh was forced to let God's people go. And that's the reason why there were so many plagues. God was showing the strength of his mighty hand against the enemy. And you guys don't know I've gone this before, but he also showed God his people, that he could be, he could be trusted that he was faithful and that he was the most high God over any other God that people were serving on the earth.
He was the biggest. He was the one true God. He says in verse 20. I will stretch up my hand and my Egypt with all my wonders, which I will do in it. And then after that, they will let you go. God had a first smite the Egyptian with all of his wonders. What? With his mighty power. Showing him, showing them. He was the all powerful, the almighty.
He was the one true guy. And no matter what it took, they were going to know it. And even in even the movie, it does show that the Egyptian people were begging, Pharaoh, this is the one true God. Let 'em go. They, they, they're, they're gonna kill us all. You have to let these people go. We're gonna lose the entire system.
We're gonna lose our entire city. We're gonna lose our entire nation if you keep these people here. If Pharaoh didn't care because he thought there's, there was always gonna be a way around it, but there wasn't. Now look at what verse 21 says, and I'll give this people favor and respect in the side of the Egyptians, and it shall be when you go, you shall not go empty handed if God didn't care about your freedom.
Okay? It's just great enough that the establishment is broken down.
But just like a thief, when a thief has been caught and he is got a whole entire jewelry store in his, you know, in his armory, or he is got it in his like big, huge semi-truck, say for instance, he takes a whole entire jewelry store. He breaks into it with a whole bunch of people. They sell every gold, they sell all the jewels, they sell all the diamonds, they sell every single thing in this jewelry store.
They put it in a semi-truck and they're gonna go and sell it on the black market. But if that semi-truck is pulled over and they find all of the diamonds, it is not just good enough for the law to say, okay, we caught the robbers. That's it. Justice is served. Justice isn't served until the whole entire context of that semi-truck is given back to its rightful owner.
So God said, these people stole from you. It's not enough that I realize they robbed from you and I set you free empty handed. He said, no, you will not go empty handed. So if you hear people talk about God doesn't care about my financial wellbeing, that's not true. God does care because even in the Book of Exodus.
He said there was no feeble among them. So he healed them in their spirit. He healed them in their soul. He healed them in their body. He healed them and freed them from being a, in bonding in slavery, but he also healed and freed them financially, so everything they can in Egypt with God wasn't gonna let the enemy keep it.
Again, just like if somebody comes in your house and steals all your jewelry, or steals your furniture, or steals all your clothes and they're caught, the judge is not gonna say, okay, they've been caught. They're gonna go to jail. If they still have it, they have to give it back.
This is something that so many Christians are missing. God wants each and every one of us to have a complete restoration. He calls them financial leeches. They have stolen on a continual basis. The systems that we have in this nation are not true in real and justifiable systems. It was built just as Egyptian empire was back in the day.
There's nothing new in the sun. It may be called something different, but it's still the same thing. Now look at verse 22. But every woman shall insistently solicit of her neighbor and of that her that may be residing at her house. Jewels and articles of silver and gold and garbage, which you shall put on your sons and daughters and you shall strip the Egyptians a belongings due to you.
God is saying those things they took from you and that they belong to you now go get it, take it back. And not only they get what belonged to them, plus they got what belonged to Egypt. In a retroactive restoration of the time that they were enslaved to them. They had to pay an ultimate price, and that's what it was.
They were completely cleaned out, so God did free them, but he also wanted them to not go empty. Hand, can it? God is going to free us in this nation. He's gonna free you in your nation because he said it's a greater exodus. Not such an exodus for the United States of America. It's an exodus for all nations and all people, all of your nations have, most of 'em have corrupt governments.
They've stolen from you, they've used this taxes and against you, and they've, they've stolen things that don't belong in their hands. God's gonna make 'em pay it back. Let's go to the next scripture. Let's go to Exodus 12. Now, you're gonna see after all the plagues happen. Exodus 12 in verse 31, and it says, he called for Moses and Aaron by night and said, now this was Pharaoh, right after the Angel of death killed the firstborn throughout all of Egypt, it affected every single household in the land of Egypt.
So in verse 31, Pharaoh calls and says, rise up out from among my people, both you and the Israelites. Go, sir, the Lord, as you said, remember when Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh, one of the first thing they said is, let my people go so they may freely serve me. That's what Moses was telling Pharaoh. That's what God is saying to you.
You let my people go so they can freely serve me. And then Pharaoh says, go serve the Lord, as you said. So this was an answer to what Exodus three was talking about. Now, let's go to verse 32. Also, take your flock, excuse me. Take your flocks and herds as as you have said, and be gone. Ask your God to bless me also.
So that means take your food, all the stuff that you have, take it, and then it goes beyond that. Verse 33, the Egyptians were urgent with the people that depart. They weren't saying, take your time. They were saying, get outta my presence now that they might send them off of the land in haste. So they said, we are all dead men.
They were petrified of these people and they were afraid if they stayed any longer, all of 'em were going to die. So that's why Pharaoh, as men were saying, get out of here and get out of here quickly. Verse 34, the people took their dough before it and was leavened. They're kneading bowls being bound up in their clothes, on their shoulders.
They didn't leave anything behind Verse 35, they realized that according to the word of Moses, yes Moses said it, but according to the word of who, the Lord, what did they do? And they urgently asked of the Egyptians jewels of silver, of gold and clothing. So they obeyed that marching order, go and get what belongs to you.
And it says in verse 36, the Lord gave the people favor in the sight of the Egyptians. So they gave them what they asked, and they stripped the Egyptians of those sayings. So it was prophesied in Exodus three. And it was fulfilled in Exodus 12. But again, so important that you know, God does not want us free just in certain areas of our life.
From the Establ establishment, from his globalist government. He wants us free and everything. He doesn't wanna leave everything out, anything out, and he doesn't want us to leave anything out when we're praying and believing for it. How do we take things back by praying, declaring decreeing by speaking the word of God, by using that sword of the spirit.
That's how we war. We wore on our knees. Exodus 13 in verse three. Now look at what it says. This is very important in the next chapter, Exodus 13 and verse three, and Moses said to the people. Earnestly. Remember this day in which you came out of from Egypt, announced the hou out of the house of bondage and the bondsman for the strength of hand, and the Lord brought you out from this place.
No leave. Bread shall be eaten. So Moses was telling them, remember, take seriously all the things that God has done. Don't forget it. You're gonna have ample opportunities that our enemy is gonna put in our face in order for us to forget what God has done. Don't forget it. Now, look what it says in verse nine, Xs 13 and verse nine.
It shall be as a sign to you upon your hand and as a memorial between your eyes that the law of the Lord may be in your mouth with a strong hand. The Lord has brought you out. Egypt. We are not supposed to forget the strong hand of the Lord. Go do a research in the word and in the scriptures of how many times you see the reference of the hand of the Lord and why it's so powerful that me and you, all of us today, have to earnestly remember the things that God did in the Word and the things that God is doing now because the strength of the hand that he has, he is going to free us from the ones who are trying to hold us where we are.
And this is not too good to be true. God done this before. He will do it again. Let's look at Exodus 13 and verse 14, Exodus 13 and verse 14. And when in time to come, your sons ask you, what does this mean? You shall say to them by the strength. Of the hand. The Lord brought us out from Egypt, from the House of Bondage and the Bondmen.
So they were never supposed to forget. They were supposed to tell their children and their children's children that God is the reason why they are free. People today we're supposed to remember that we are free because of strength of the Lord. He is the one who has already given us us this freedom. We can't forget it.
And people say that's we're in just a different time. No, we have freedoms now and the enemies are trying to steal them now just like they did in the Book of Exodus. Let's go to Exodus 15 in verse six. Now this is right after God's people saw the Red Sea moment. This is right after all Pharaoh. Now in the movie, which I love the movie they show Pharaoh still survives.
No, he doesn't. In the Bible says Pharaoh and all the horsemen and chariots, they all died in the Red Sea. So they just did that more for of like a, you know, more drama in the movie. But Pharaoh also was drowned in the midst of the Red Sea. Let's go to Exodus 15 and verse six.
So right after they saw all the Pharaoh and all of us men die. Your right hand, oh Lord, is glorious in power. Your right hand, oh Lord, shatters the enemy. We need the revelation on the inside of all of us. That Lord is glorious in power. It is right hand shatters the enemy. God shatters the enemy. He did it back then.
He's still the same God yesterday, today and forever. He's still a God that shatters our enemies. He's still the God that will free us from our enemies hands. Let's go to Psalm 17 and verse seven. Show your marvelous, loving kindness. Oh, you who saved by your right hand, those who trust and take refuge in you.
For those who rise up against them. They was such a revelation of God's right hand that rises up and protects his people against the ones who were against his people. He shatters the enemy with that right hand, but he also protects his people with his hand. Go to second Chronicles 22nd Chronicles 20 in verse six.
This is Jehosaphat and said, oh Lord God of our fathers, are you not God in heaven? And do you not rule over all the kingdoms of the nations in your hand, our power, and might. So that nun is able to withstand you. Jehosaphat knew this, that's why he prayed and had a fast in the land when there was a great multitude of army coming in against them, which they knew by the strength of their own hand, they were not strong enough.
Most of us know physically and financially, and you know, mentally we are not all, if we were doing in our own ability without God, we are not stronger than our enemy. But the thing is, we're not doing anything without God. And we have God, and we can do all things through Christ who strengthen us. And he's saying to us to rise up and take back everything the enemies have stolen.
And that includes what they're doing with our tax system. That includes what they've done with our finances by supporting their own criminal system and by giving all these sayings to terrorists. This is something that is so important to God that it gets ripped away from their hands because it gives, he said it gives them, it powered up their finding of their, their death machine.
He said no, it, it funded their death machine. What was their death machine? The establishment. It was a death to freedom. It was a death to truth. It was a death to our finances. It was a death to so many things, even our physical bodies. It was a death to our health. Think of how many ways they try stealing your health from, you think of it in ways, it was like a death to our mental wellbeing.
He calls it a death machine, and just like Pharaoh, it wasn't good enough for God's people just to get out. He had to destroy what funded it. So they could not rise up again and become mighty in power. Let's go to Psalm one 10 and verse one, the Lord God says to my Lord the Messiah, sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool.
Our enemies are not supposed to be our task masters. They're not supposed to be lording over us. They're not supposed to have the ability to steal our freedoms from us, to steal our nations from us, to manipulate the minds of our children. They're supposed to be our footstool. God has made 'em to be that way, so if they're rising up and they are powerful like the way they are, that's not how God ever meant it to be.
They're supposed to be underneath our feet, but let's go to Jeremiah 33 in verse 11.
And it says, there shall be heard again. The voice of joy and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride. The voices of those who sing as they bring sacrifice of thanksgiving into the house of the Lord. Give praise and thanks to the Lord of hosts. For the Lord is good.
First mercy and kindness and steadfast love endure forever. For I will cause the captivity of the land to be reversed and return to me as it was in the first says, the Lord God will return the captivity. We're not supposed to be in captivity. Our enemy's been holding us there and God's saying they're gonna be held in captivity.
He's a return it back to the sender. He's a return it to our task. Masters, no oppressors. Let's go to Psalm or Jeremiah. 33 verse 25 and 26. Thus says the Lord, if my covenant was this day and night does not stand, and if I have not appointed in the ordinance says that the heavens and the earth, the whole order of nature, which God has.
Look what it says in verse 26. Then will I also cast away the descendants of Jacob and David, my servant? I will not choose one of them in the off stream. Be ruler of the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, for war calls their captivity to be reversed and I will have mercy, kindness, and steadfast love of on them and for them.
He's saying, if I do not, if my word or my covenant does not stand. Now remember, God's covenant stands forever. God's word stands forever. He said, if it doesn't, then everything is lost. If I'm not appointed the ordinances of having an earth, the whole order of nature, he's saying I'm the one who has the whole order of the earth.
Now, if it's not that way, then all that's gonna start. Things are gonna go to awry. But he says, but you're not gonna go back into captivity. I'm the one who controls the nations. And he is telling 'em, I'm gonna return that captivity and I will have mercy and kindness. And Seth has love on and for them, he's saying, I'm the creator of heaven and earth.
Your enemies are not gonna get away with what they've done. They have to return everything they have stolen, even the land. Jeremiah 31, verse 13 and 14. And it says, and then will the maid, serv, maidens, rejoice the dance And the young men, the old men together, fre, will turn their mourning into joy. And we'll comfort them and make them rejoice after their sorrow.
So God never said we weren't gonna have sorrows of any kind, but he says he is gonna turn that morning into joy. Verse 14, I'll satisfy fully the life of the priest with abundance of the offspring shared with them, and my people will be satisfied with my goodness, says the Lord. Now different translations have talked about what that goodness is.
God will give us provision God's one who provides his goodness. There is nothing missing, nothing broken, nothing left out. When we find out, like I said, the Doge, we know the Dogen, some of the artists they've already done is like I, there was something I saw over the weekend, $1.9 billion. Biden did. I gotta find out.
It was literally wasted money. It wasn't going anywhere. It was allocated to a whole bunch of crap is what I I heard. I think, let's see here. Hold on a minute. Let me find it. I took so many different pictures over the weekend, so I don't know exactly. I wanna list it. Somebody sent it to me in the text. So anyway, it was like $1.9 billion.
They had nowhere to go. They tried hiding this money. We have only seen the tip of the iceberg. We're not looking at just billions of dollars that the Biden administration or any administration before that, you know, you gotta think of Obama, you gotta think of even the bushes. You gotta think of the Clintons.
You gotta think of all the establishment people. Think of all the trillions of dollars wasted they used against us for their own gain. To fund their death machine or their establishment. God has had enough of it. Now let's go back over this prophetic word again. I wish I could find that, but I know somebody shared it with me or I shared it with somebody.
I don't remember. I think it was on. This is a really good place to go. The gateway pundit. If I ever want to see certain things that are going on, I usually look at the gateway pundit. I don't wanna take up too much time now 'cause there's, I mean, there's a lot of information on here,
but this was like a couple days ago, so I don't know how far back I'd have to go. So, anyway, you guys can look it up. There was a lot of information on here about what they were doing with finances. Oh, here it is. Doge recovers another 1.9 billion in taxpayer funds misplaced. By the Biden regime. Sorry, it was misplaced.
Okay, well how much misplacing of money is there? Yeah, I'm sure it wasn't misplaced. It was exactly where they wanted it to be. Alright, this is first paragraph for either, Lord, this day I'm telling you. O United States the biggest political slush fund. That's what he calls it. That's what he calls is tax system.
That's what he calls what's ever funding the establishment? You gotta think how many of our tax dollars actually benefit us at all? Oh, just wait till they get into fema. Just wait till the audit. Fema. You know, FEMA was supposedly designated to help us with natural disasters, you know, to help rebuild our cities and communities after something horrible happens.
And yes, we need to pray for Kentucky 'cause they were hit pretty hard there. There are people dead. There's lots of flooding going on there. I. It's horrible what happened with those storms. There was tornadoes over the weekend. You, I think this is February. It's crazy weather out there. But again, FEMA is supposed to be government assistance that goes in there and helps.
And how many people did they not? And how much of that money should have gone to taxpayers that who pay them when taxpayer money? They're funded by taxpayers. How many people? They've really helped a fraction of what they could have. They didn't wanna rebuild our infrastructures in our cities and our communities.
They want us to be as uncomfortable as we possibly can be. They wanted to take away enough of us enough things away from us that we are not strong enough to fight them back. This is all very strategic. The biggest political slush fund that was criminally organized and designed to look legal and acceptable in your government spending operations.
It's about to be discovered. You gotta think. No one really paid attention to our tax, to our IRS. Okay, we let American citizen, we're supposed to pay our taxes, yada, yada, yada. And that was it. But there is something fraudulent about our tax system. It's not the way it's supposed to be. There are so many different entities that have come into existence after this, the beginning and after the birth of this nation that do not belong.
They were only designated and designed for the establishment not to help us. Like again, I go back to the Board of Education. What did that do? The children are worse off than they were before. Education is so far worse than it was back in the seventies before Jimmy Carter put this into existence. This all front companies, their slush funds.
To E establishment to establish the establishment to fund them so they can stay where they are. And they basically had unlimit limited purse strings. And especially when you don't have to abide by, you gotta think if they have a budget. So if you only bringing in this many tax dollars, okay, you only bringing in this much, but you're spending this much, well that doesn't work out.
You should only be spending what you've been bringing in. Or if you're smart, you're gonna be spending in less. That's how people are wealthy because they don't spend everything they bring in. But how come it's okay for our government to throw that outta the water? Okay, we bring in, let's just say we bring in $2 trillion, but we're gonna spend four.
Well, that mathematically doesn't make sense. But where's all this $2 trillion coming from? And why is it needed? And that's the reason why when Joe's going through and ripping apart all these different things and they're auditing everything, they are paralyzed with fear because they realize their slush fund is being drained.
He says a slush fund financed establishment, and it was their main source of power and controls manipulate the nation. You may ask, where did this money come from? 'cause a lot of people don't realize, how did they become so powerful and who was funding them? We were without us knowing it. You may ask, where was this money coming from that your enemies thrived on?
Will my children, your taxpayer dollars? The doors will be open wide on your IRS scandal. After scandal, fraud after fraud will be discovered and exposed. It was a cesspool of corruption. It is a cesspool of corruption. The design of the IRS was never to help you or to make this nation stronger. A lot of people think the only way this nation in our government can be funded is through taxes.
Well, back before there was a taxes in the way there is now, our government was funded by tariffs. It wasn't on the backs of the American people. Why do you think that President Trump keeps talking about tariffs? Because other governments should pay their fair share. It shouldn't be the United States paying for every little thing, and most of what we were paying for was just more control everywhere.
It was going to their systems throughout the nations. So again, tariffs are what paid our government to run. And you had little taxes, but the taxes weren't near what the tariffs were. So again, 'cause our tax system was really nothing. I mean, it was not a lot compared to what it's now. It's, if you look up how many times a $1 beer is, a $1 bill is taxed, you'd be very angry.
Now, it was exact opposite. It was to break the American people financially while the establishment became more powerful by the day. So the IRS was not made and designed to help and make our country stronger. It was actually made our country weaker and for the establishment to become stronger by the day.
That's what it was. Designated and designed for your taxes, paid criminals, running your nation along with the ones who were trying to kill this nation and bring it and bring it into its own. The biggest audit of taxpayer money will find corruption on a scale that makes US aid and others look like nothing because the IRS and the tax system was the heartbeat of the death machine, the IRS, and the tax system was the heartbeat of the death machine.
And you also gotta think of the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve and what they're doing with interest rates is so illegal. How they even were designed is so corrupt. We don't need them. They're there to break people financially while they thrive. It's part of the one world government system and it's not part of our own country.
They're like their own little entity, even though they can control our country at will. We're gonna find out how evil and how horrible the Federal Reserve are as well. But the IRS is the heartbeat of the death machine of the establishment. Yes, there was, this was the hub of all financial criminal activity where all your money went and who it went to will shock this nation.
The tax system, as you see it will be dismantled. So we see a tax system, I'm not gonna say we're not gonna ever pay any taxes again, I'm just saying the system as we know it will be dismantled. Then it goes on farter, along with the ones holding this nation and its purse strings who are in the House of Representatives.
Now. They're the ones who pass the bills and they're the ones who passes the budgets and things like that, that go to the Senate and then go to the, you know, president's approval. Think of how much corruption is in the House of Representatives and has been for a very long time. He said, on the House of Representatives will be held account accountable with all the money they tried to hide under the table to strengthen the establishment.
Now, not every congressman or woman is a part of this. There are godly men and women in the House of Representatives, but they can be outvoted every single time because of the majority. But he said all of them, the, that were hiding the money. They tried to hide the money under the table to strengthen the establishment.
The bills were also being passed to hide certain finances to also fund the establishment.
It was also there to finance the enemies and other nations. To finance weapons and their terrorists to grow them stronger, to bring fear across the nations. To have bigger government for your supposed protection. They seriously pass this thing and they this propaganda saying, big government, big government, big government is your friend.
It's their protect you. The bigger the government, the more protection you have. When God's saying, when big government was the biggest enemy to your freedoms and your peace across this nation, there'll be a great shaking in your house. O United States. God is going to shake the house because there are many people in the establishment still in the House of Representatives and still in the Senate.
There'll be a great shake in your house or United States explosive exposure on each and every house member who is who used the purse of the nation and your tax dollars for their financial gain and destroy and dismantle your country. Then every house speaker. Now why is it so important to the house speaker?
They're third in command. You have the president, the vice president, speaker of the house. So think how powerful that third person is. And they played a part in a lot of these rogue regimes because if you didn't have, if you had a, like, you know, president Trump and you have like president or Vice President Vance, and then you had a rogue house, just like house speaker, just like Nancy Pelosi was in President Trump's first term, you can only do so much when you have somebody holding the purse strings and somebody, and a lot of those people in our government who don't even care about law and throw law out of the window, they, they don't even look at it.
That's why the corruption must be rooted out fully. Every house speaker in the past who helped and took part in the type type of deception and treason will all be exposed. There are many traders that have left governmental positions who truly thought they got away with the crimes they took part in, allowed to take place or allowed to take place.
So either they were a part of it or they weren't a part of it. They just allowed it to take place and said, I wanna wipe my hands of it. You guys do what you gotta do. We said, but justice is at the doorsteps.
Well, to every federal and government worker who stole from this nation, and we're a part of this government slash fund, I have your number and it's about to expire for this cleaning of the house. We'll expose more than just a financial slush fund of your government. So we're gonna find out when all this is exposed, we're gonna find that slush fund, but we're gonna find all the corruption.
And we're gonna find all of the, oh the elections they stole. It's more than just expose more than just a financial slush fund of your government. This will begin the biggest political reset in human history. You gotta think of how many, how many government employees are there right now. They know how many people in the house.
They only people in the Senate, all government workers, federal workers, they only people who are involved in this. And now you have to bring in new people. We had to pray for the right new people. He says, you are the same people who stole money from this nation and are the same people who have stolen elections and manipulated every part of the government and system to benefit yourself.
We're gonna find out every single entity he's going to rip apart the CIA and the FBI and the NSA at any intelligent agency that it was using their intelligence. In the wrong way. He says, your systems, your power, your hidden agendas and all your secrets will all come out in the open and judgment will be served in front of the ones you stole from.
They that, that's really important for us all to know. He said, judgment will be served in front of the eyes, in front of the people you stole from. Just like judgment happened to Farah at the Red Sea, right in front of all of the Israelites, they saw judgment right in front of them. Your government, your seat of power, seats of power in this nation, we ripped from your cold hands and given back to the American people right before your eyes says the Lord of Popes.
So it's really, really important for not only for us to receive these freedoms, but it's also important for us to know that the enemies are gonna see it happen. For either Lord, we'll dismantle the IRS of Federal Reserve, wall Street, as you know it, the private financial sector, Silicon Valley, and the complete financial market in this nation.
And some people would obviously think, how is this gonna possibly happen? It happened in Egypt. God's people before that happened, you honestly think they would've known and understood the deaths that they were going to see take place of how God was going to rip apart that financial system and that entire empire and give it to God's people, right before they took off and went into the Promised Land.
They could have imagined it, either. We can't imagine it exactly, but we're supposed to expect it and we're supposed to thank God for it. And he's telling, he's saying every way. He's the IRS of Federal Reserve, wall Street and the private sector, Silicon Valley, and the complete financial market. It's all gonna change and a new one will be put in place in gold and Silver War rise like never were before.
Remember, they are suppressing gold and silver. Gold standard will come back with a vengeance. So not just come back or come back with vengeance in this golden age of this nation, a new way is coming. O United States and the finances will be given, will be even greater than it has been in the nation before because the financial leaches will be a distant memory and their system obliterated.
So the reason why we've seen certain things and yes, this nation has gone been very blessed and we've seen a lot of finances to it, but it is, we've never seen the full capability of what God can do for this nation because we've always had leeches in this nation. Try and take it away. So enjoy the new golden age in this nation, and it'll be far greater than most people realize.
Then he goes on to say about the debt clock. The debt clock will evaporate and will be like, it never existed. I will show you where all the money is that belongs to this nation that was taken and it will all be given back. This is so far greater than what you, what was seen in Egypt, because this is a greater exodus.
And again, this is not just about just restoring the United States. God is going to restore the nations, their wealth, their rightful leaders, God's people are gonna be restored in every single nation. People are just gonna see it, start with the United States, but it's going to expand throughout the nations.
That's why it's called the greater exodus. And this is will affect every nation, not just one my children. So hold on. Finances across the globe will be given back in unprecedented ways because I'm restoring, restoring all that's been stolen from you. We can't forget God, we can't forget his ways. We can't forget for what he's doing for us right now.
This is the time for the greatest financial shift the world has ever seen. Your enemy's control over that financial system. And this mountain, which is one of the mountains of influence, will but disappear. So they have control over that mountain. And he says, all but disappear.
He sayOoh, United States, everything taken from you will be given back. A flood is coming that will bring an overflow to my children. So hold on. The doors are open and this restoration has only just begun, says the Lord, your redeemer. We've seen a lot of exciting things. The last couple, you know, weeks.
You know, we've been almost four weeks into President Trump's administration and his presidency and Happy President's Day because it's President's Day today we have, we have so many things we thankful for. Having, you know, president Trump as our president, but just think how many things, more things we'd be thankful for, because we serve an all mighty God.
We serve a God that restores. We serve a God that he is the one who will give back retroactively. It's not just a fact of he just restores. It's a retroactive restoration. He's shown us, he will deliver us. He's shown us time and time again that he is faithful and he's just getting started. Our enemies.
I'm gonna show you so many different scriptures, maybe even tomorrow, about how our enemies, even in the Bible, how they were petrified of God's people seeing all these things they could not comprehend or understand because God is a supernatural God and he does things that are so beyond their intelligence.
They don't understand how it's happening. They think that they're the most intellectual and smartest people in the, in the world, but they don't realize they're never gonna be smarter than the creator. So let's pray Today. I wanna pray over your freedoms, and I wanna pray over this country and yours as well.
Heavenly Father, right now, in Jesus name, lift up every person in the sound of my voice. In every way. The enemy has stolen their freedoms. Father God, we declare a decree, our freedoms back in the mighty name of Jesus. Father God, just like you said in the Book of Exodus, let my people go so they may freely serve me.
I thank you, father God. They're able to freely serve you in their spirit, in their soul, in their, in their bodies, socially and financially to freely serve you in all ways. Father God, I thank you that they have a boldness like a lion to stand up and every way the enemy's trying to steal from them, they will shut their enemy down.
It's written, no weapon formed against us shall prosper. So Father God, we thank you that we take our, our freedoms back and it says in your written word, where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom, there is liberty. Well, father God, you are inside of us. We thank we have more of a God inside minded where we know that the greater one is in there.
You live in there you go. Everywhere we go, you see everything we see. Father God, it is your spirit. It is your presence, your power, and your goodness. The resurrection power of Jesus Christ lives on the inside of us. And we thank you, father God. We ta we're able to tap into that power and we are able to tap into the revelation of that power.
And Father God, we thank you for deliverance in our nations. We thank you for deliverance, father God in every single way. Thank you for tearing apart this. System Father God. This is the, that, that heartbeat of the death machine. We called the IRS down right now in Jesus' name, in every criminal activity, in all this corrupt government, in every way that they have been funded the Slush fund, father God, we command it to be emptied.
We command to be Father God, to be given back to who it belongs to. And it's definitely not our government. Every way they stole from us in every way, shape or form financially. Father God, just like you did in, in Pharaoh, you said, we will not go empty handed. You said they would not go empty handed. So we declare a decree, father God, in our freedoms, in this greater or exodus, we are not going on empty handed.
We thank you that we are being completely restored in this golden age. We thank you, father God, for exposing every part of their financial system that was designed against us. And we thank you that it is torn apart and annihilated by your outstretched arm. And just like you said in numbers, father God, your hand is not waxed short.
You can still do these things now because you are still the same God now and heavenly Father, we also lift up all of the victims and all the people that were hit by all those tornadoes and storms over the weekend, and especially in Kentucky. Father God, we're asking you to bring them restoration and peace.
And no matter what they've lost, father God, you are the God that restores, give them comfort in the mighty name of Jesus for those who have lost loved ones. And we bind that spirit of grief in the name of Jesus Christ. And Father God, I thank you right now that your presence, your power, and your goodness is on the scene no matter what the enemy meant to do with it, father God, I thank you more people come into the kingdom of Almighty God where there was darkness.
Your light will destroy all that darkness. We thank you, father God, for being there. For all those people who are affected by all those, all those storms in Jesus' name. We thank you that it won't take as long as it takes to rebuild their cities and their communities, father God, because you're not restricted by time.
So we thank you for restoring what has been stolen from them in Jesus' name. So heavenly Father, I thank you and I plead the blood of Jesus over the top of everyone's side to the soles of their feet. And I thank you that they stand boldly and they take back all that what belongs to them because they are in the army of the Lord and they have the power and the authority of that name above every name, and that we make our enemy, our footstool on a continual basis.
And we thank you for it. In Jesus' name, amen and amen. We hopes to encourage you today, and if you do have any prayer requests or praise reports, you can go to our Our contact page or you can write us at Julie Green Ministries International 46 20 E, 53rd Street, suite 200, Davenport, Iowa 5 2 8 0 7.
And also if you do want any Julie Green Ministries merchandise, you can go to three sons That's three sons And don't forget, set your calendars for June 20th and 21st. I will be the only speaker, but I'm telling you it's gonna be God and God's gonna do a lot of miracle signs and winners, we're proclaiming it, decreeing it, and praying it all the time because God is increasing what he's doing in the end times.
So be a part of that Holy Ghost and Fire Services. So hopes to encourage you today. Please like, subscribe and share and give this to everyone you know who needs an air encouraging word, who needs to hear truth if because the truth will set you free. God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have any wonderful day.
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