2020-12-5 Latest Cyrax Calls, Latest Cyrax Developments

9 hours ago

2:28 Introduction Vaatis cartoon project
4:49 He watches Vaatis 45 minute cartoon that he spent 1600 hours on
10:54 Shmeckle Cat arrives
15:58 Vaati arrives
30:01 John Heyman arrives
53:34 they watch Cyrax bang on homemade drums
57:16 they watch Cyraxs new video about skullkid
1:16:48 Marty plays Cyrax calls
1:35:18 They watch a Cyrax video about ip2
1:42:14 They watch Cyrax video off of the Cyrax nation archive
1:46:30 The deacon plays Hitman
1:54:55 they watch more Cyrax videos from the archive
3:01:30 The boy blue situation

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