The CCP Is the Biggest Long-Term External Threat to the U.S.

9 hours ago

03/04/2025 Rep. Nathaniel Moran @RepNateMoran, member of the House Select Committee on the CCP: The CCP is the biggest long-term external threat to the U.S.—propping up Russia, Iran, and North Korea while exploiting global conflicts for its own gain. We must stop CCP’s unfair trade practices, expose its human rights abuses, and stand firm against its growing influence.
#CCP #US #Russia #Uyghurs #unfairtradepractices #HumanRightsViolations
03/04/2025 美国众议员兼中共问题特设委员会成员纳撒尼尔·莫兰:中共是美国最大的长期外部威胁,他们一边扶持俄罗斯、伊朗和朝鲜,一边利用全球冲突为自己牟利。我们必须制止中共的不公平贸易行为,揭露其践踏人权的行径,并坚决反击其日益增长的影响力。
#中共 #美国 #俄罗斯 #维吾尔人 #不公平贸易行为 #人权侵犯

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