Day 65: Memorials, Faith, And VICTORY - Insights From Joshua 4-6 | Bible In A Year (CSB)

7 hours ago

On Day 65 of our "Bible in a Year" journey, we explore Joshua 4-6, where Israel marks their Jordan crossing with a memorial of stones, renews their covenant through circumcision, and experiences God’s miraculous victory at Jericho. These chapters highlight the importance of remembering God’s acts, trusting His unconventional plans, and stepping forward in obedience.

1. Why do you think God instructed Israel to set up memorial stones in Joshua 4, and how can we create “memorials” in our lives to remember His faithfulness?

2. The fall of Jericho in chapter 6 relied on faith rather than military might—what does this teach us about trusting God’s methods over our own?

3. Rahab’s rescue amidst Jericho’s destruction stands out—how does her story challenge or expand our understanding of God’s mercy and inclusion?

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