2 Corinthians 22 Examine Yourselves! 12:14-13:6

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SBC Family,

Tonight we’ll discuss Paul’s plans to visit Corinth for the third time. It has been a choppy relationship between Paul and the Corinthians, not because of Paul, but because of the Corinthians attitude toward Paul. Paul was really hoping they would be ready for his third visit. That would mean having their spiritual lives in order and having their financial gift ready for the saints in Judea. This is his final warning that they need to repent of any past sins that they had not repented of and be ready. This would require examine themselves to see if they were walking by faith. When we walk by faith Christ lives in us. When we do not we are in Christ but He is not in us in the sense that His life is not being poured out through ours.

I hope to see you tonight for this important lesson! See the attached.

Grace to you,



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